I am in the process of building a Voron 2.4 to replace my modded Ender. On top of this, I have transitionned to Orca slicer. As soon as my profiles are refined, I will publish them here again
First and foremost, I recommend everyone to talk a close look at Ellis' print tuning guide. You can have the best profile on the planet, but if your printer isn't properly tuned, you won't get really far.
There are 2 things I absolutely love around 3D Printing.
- All the possibilites a 3D printer gives you
- How much time you can spend trying to make your print perfect
The issue with the first point, is you need imagination. You can print whatever someone else has done over the internet, or you can make your own stuff. But when you don't have the imagination at a given time, you can't make your own stuff. That's often the case for me, so I spend a lot of time trying to make my print even more perfect. I obviously have a lot of work to do, but that's where the fun is.
I currently own 2 printers. A voron V0.1 and an ender 3 pro. I run the "same" profile for both. I have tuned my ender 3 pro to make it go faster without any loss of quality. It is a direct drive with an orbiter 2.0, a phaetus dragonfly hotend, the same as in my V0.1, and finally an hero me gen 7 fan duct. But it's still a bed slinger, and because of this, I cannot run the same acceleration value for both printers. However, most of the rest are the same.
This is a general rule, but may not always be true. Don't make the assumption, when troubleshooting, that one setting worked for printer A, so it should also work for printer B.