🔧 DevOps 🌐 enthusiast with hands-on experience in Kubernetes 🧩, Docker 🐳, AWS ☁️, and the ELK stack 📊, building reliable and scalable systems. From automating pipelines to simplifying complex infrastructures, I enjoy creating smooth and efficient deployments. Actively exploring open source projects 📂 and sharing knowledge. Always curious and driven to learn more in the world of DevOps! 🚀
🔭 I’m currently working with Go, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, GitHub Actions, Helm
🌱 I’m currently learning Ansible, GitOps
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Kubernetes, Docker, Cloud, Go, Flutter
🤝 I’m looking for help with Terraform
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://bio.link/naveenchand
💬 Ask me about Flutter, Go, Node.js, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloud
📫 How to reach me naveenchand0606@gmail.com