Simple unix-like file system in user space to understand the concepts of FSM (file system management).Written in C programming language
It supports file and directory management (create, delete, copy data ).Inode no of root directory is 0.
./simplefs Eg. ./simplefs image.20 20
format # formats the disk file
mount # mounts the filesystem and creates bitmap
Supported commands
debug prints the filesystem contents (directories and files) in hierarchial representation <br>
create <parent dir inode no> <file name> creates a file. Input: parent directory inode no and file name <br>
delete <inode> <parent dir inode> deletes a file. Input: inode of file and parent directory inode <br>
cat <inode> prints the contents of a file to stdout. Input: inode of file <br>
copyin <file> <inode> copies the contents in file to file pointed by inode. Input: filename and inode no
copyout <inode> <file> copies the contents from the file pointed by inode to file. Input: inode no and file name
mkdir <path> path of the directory to be created . Input: path Eg./test
help lists out all the commands with arguments