The graph isomorphism problem is to determine whether there exists an isomorphism between two input graphs. This project is a C++ software that solves graph isomorphism. Current version assumes that the input graphs are simple, undirected, connected, and vertex-labeled (single label is permitted for each vertex).
Graph isomorphism is a core problem in graph analyses of various domains including social networks, bioinformatics, chemistry, mechanics, and so on. As the real-world graphs are getting bigger and bigger, applications demand practically fast algorithms that can run on large graphs.
To download and compile the project, use the following commands.
git clone
cd GI
To run the proram:
./GI [file 1] [file 2]
./GI input/lcc_yeast.igraph input/sfl_lcc_yeast.igraph
The file format is a text format to store an undirected graph.
- The first line of the file should be "t ID #vertices"
- Following lines of "v [vertex ID] [vertex label]" indicate the vertices in the graph.
- The vertices should be written in the file in ascending order of their IDs, and a vertex ID should be in range [0, #vertices - 1].
- Following lines of "e [vertex ID] [vertex ID] [edge label]" after the vertices indicate the undirected edges in the graph.
For example:
Line "t 1 3112" means that the start of a graph with ID=1 and #vertices=3112.
Line "v 0 1" means that there is a vertex with ID=0 and vertex-label=1 in the graph.
Line "e 1 133 0" means that there is an undirected edge between vertices with IDs 1 and 133, where edge label is 0.
If you have any trouble with this project, please let us know via GitHub issue tracking system of the project.
The main contributors to this project are:
- Geonmo Gu
- Yehyun Nam
- Kunsoo Park (mentor)
This project is an open source software provided under the Apache License 2.0.
- We use googletest library, which is covered by BSD 3-Clause License.
- We use a revised source code of Nauty and Traces, which is covered by Apache License 2.0.
- raise an issue that you want to make a contribution via GitHub issue tracking system.
- communicate with the authors.
- fork this project.
- create a branch.
- work on the issue.
- create a pull request with a clear explanation of the changes.
Please see Our Coding Convention.