This helper page allows you to test if your xConnect functionality is working as expected.
After installing, you can access the page through
On this page you can...
- Get status information on the current Tracker config
- Get Status information on Collection, Marketing Automation and Reference Data services
- View basic contact facets
- Set one or multiple identifiers for the current contact
- Set basic contact facets
- Flush current session which immediately triggers processing
If there is a connection problem, this will be immediately shown on the xConnectHelper page. Also, if the tracker is not active becaues of config or license issues. xConnect helper validates:
- connection strings
- https access to Services
- Server certificate validity
- Client certificate validity and read rights to private key
Interact with your website and then hit flush current session. Processing of your contact and interactions will immediately start and data should be visible in the databases within seconds.
The experience profile manager only lists identified contacts. You can set an identifier for your contact, then flush session. Your contact should show in the list within a few seconds.
- Download Release ZIP and integrate into your build
- Set a hard-to guess key in App_Config/Modules/xConnectHelper/xConnectHelper.config
- Access your page through /sitecore%20modules/Web/xConnectHelper/xConnectHelper.aspx?key=
Important Note: Because this tool is made to debug current contacts and interactions in-session, it can not be used as a regular Sitecore admin page and is therefore publicly accessible protected only by your access key. You are responsible for setting appropriate measures to regulate access to this page.
This release was tested with Sitecore 9.0 update-2 and 9.1 Initial. It will not support any lower releases because of API changes.