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Hades Programming Language


Hades is an Assembly mimic intended to target the eBin Bytecode.
Hades is a programming language built for easier development within the ePUx32 Computer Simulator

Getting Started

  1. Download the newest release of the Hades-Language.jar file (check the Github release page)
  • Alternatively, you can build from source using: bash -c 'javac -d ./src/classFiles ./src/**/*.java' && jar cvfm ./bin/HadesLanguage.jar ./src/manifest.txt -C ./src/classFiles .
  1. Put the .jar and the .bat file in the same folder as where you want to put your files
  2. Write your Hades program

    For Linux Systems:
  3. Run the hades file using the ./hades -[flags] [file] format
  • Use -fc flag to compile the given file to eBin
  • Use -fr flag to run the given file
  • Use -fce flag to compile a ePU formatted Hades file to relevant eBin

    For Windows Systems:
  1. Run the bat script using the ./hades.bat -[flags] [file] format
  • Use -fc flag to compile the given file to eBin
  • Use -fr flag to run the given file
  • Use -fce flag to compile a ePU formatted Hades file to relevant eBin
  1. Profit


  • v1.0.0: Get the damn thing working
  • v1.1.0: Add new instructions for label manipulation
    • Add Hand single-cell label register
      • HOLD [label] and DROP instructions for adding/removing labels from the Hand
      • MLB [num], MLP, SLB [num], SLV held label manipulation instructions
    • WDD [num0 num1 num2 ... numN] for writing large amounts of data at once to the Tape
    • DS [num0 num1 num2 ... numN] [alias] for referencing a large portion of data, such as strings, can be written to Tape using WDD instruction
    • FUNC [alias] [ body ] (QoL change), CDP [file] [alias] will still exist
    • OUTN, OUTV [num], and OUTR [startPos endPos] for different I/O choices. OUTV [num] outputs the character related to the given number, OUTN outputs the raw number at Tape[Pointer], and OUTR [startPos endPos] outputs a range of the Tape.
    • INV and INS for more I/O choices. INV for taking in a raw number, INS for taking in a string (that will then be split into characters and converted into integers and stored)
    • FSO and FSC for opening file streams for reading in file contents, FSO takes in a file path or a data structure alias, and 0 or 1 for read or write mode. FSC closes a file stream connected to the given file path/data structure alias
    • RFF and WTF to read/write from/to a file, RFF takes in a data structure alias/string and a destination address, RFF reads in the next character and stores it in the destination address, WTF writes the given value to the given file at the very end of the file
    • SWM to set the write mode, 0 indicates writing a character, 1 indicates writing the raw integer value
    • String literals "...", these can be used as input for the DS instruction and the WDD instruction, as well as any instruction that takes in a file path
  • v1.2.0: Add ability to use labels in place of numbers in all instructions that can take in a number
  • v2.0.0: Add package system which adds new systems for defining types, defining instructions, defining instruction arguments, and defining instruction behaviors using a mix of Java and Hades
    • Add new file type: *.pkg.hds
    • Add new instructions DPKG [package], UPKG [package], INST [instruction name] [args] [args], TYPE [type name] [body]


Say "Hello" in Hades:

WDD ["Hello, World!"]
OUTR[0 12]

Addition in Hades:

WRT [1] ; write 1 to Tape ;
INCP ; move ptr to the right
WRT [2] ; write 2 to Tape ;
LOOP [ ; start a loop ;
    DECP ; move ptr to the left ;
    RDV  ; read value from Tape ;
    INCV ; increment ptr value ;
    WTV ; write ptr value to Tape ;
    INCP ; move ptr to the right ;
    RDV ; read value from Tape ;
    DECV ; decrement ptr value ;
    WTV ; write ptr value to Tape ;
DECP ; move ptr to the left ;
RDV ; read value from Tape ;
; end program ;

Using labels in Hades:

CLB [foo] ; create label called "foo" ;
MOV [5] ; move ptr to position 5 of Tape ;
CLB [bar] ; create label called "bar" ;
JLB [foo] ; jump to foo label ;
WRT [1] ; write 1 to foo ;
JLB [bar] ; jump back to bar label ;
WRT [2] ; write 2 to bar ;
DLB [foo] ; delete foo label ;
DLB [bar] ; delete bar label ;
; end program ;

Using functions in Hades:

CDP [someFile.eBin] [foo] ; create function from file "someFile.eBin" and call it "foo" ;

CDP [0 0] [baz] ; create function from position in ROM, follows [X Y] format (ePU branch only) ;

FUNC [bar] [ ; create a function in current program called "bar" ;
  ; something here ;
CALL [foo] ; run "foo" function ;
CALL [baz] ; run "baz" function ;
CALL [bar] ; run "bar" function ;
; end program ;

Using Syscalls in Hades (ePU only):

; syscalls always need 5 parameters, they can be labels or numbers ;
SYS [14 0 0 0 0] ; print to terminal syscall ;

CLB [print]
WRT [14]
SYS [print 0 0 0 0] ; print to terminal syscall but using label called "print" ;

; check the ePUx32 syscall documentation for help on the syscall arguments ;

; end program ;