Format JavaScript Standard Style output to a JSON array!
# use the CLI
npm install --global standard-json
# or use programatically
npm install --save standard-json
standard | standard-json
# exit code will be 1 if any errors are found
standard --verbose | standard-json
# the ruleId attribute will be filled in if --verbose is passed
# works with anything based on standard-engine!
semistandard | standard-json
doublestandard | standard-json
Typical standard
standard: Use JavaScript Standard Style (
/home/icmpdev/code/standard-json/bin.js:19:21: Missing space before function parentheses.
/home/icmpdev/code/standard-json/index.js:6:35: Strings must use singlequote.
/home/icmpdev/code/standard-json/index.js:6:51: Extra semicolon.
/home/icmpdev/code/standard-json/index.js:17:5: Keyword "if" must be followed by whitespace.
/home/icmpdev/code/standard-json/index.js:22:28: Extra semicolon.
After running through standard-json:
"filePath": "/home/flet/code/something-great/bin.js",
"messages": [
"line": "19",
"column": "21",
"message": "Missing space before function parentheses."
"filePath": "/home/flet/code/something-great/index.js",
"messages": [
"line": "6",
"column": "35",
"message": "Strings must use singlequote."
"line": "6",
"column": "51",
"message": "Extra semicolon."
"line": "17",
"column": "5",
"message": "Keyword \"if\" must be followed by whitespace."
"line": "22",
"column": "28",
"message": "Extra semicolon."
var txt = someStandardThing() // produces Standard Style output
var standardJson = require('standard-json')
var output = standardJson(txt)
// output will be an array of errors or an empty array.
var output = standardJson(txt, {noisey: true})
// output will be an array of errors or an empty array.
// The banner will be `console.error`'d (plus any other non-parsable lines)
This package was inspired by:
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