The library will help you manage the css variables through javascript. This is useful if you are developing a microfront-end on different frameworks, and the theme may come from above.
Inside your project directory, run in terminal:
yarn add css-vars-adapter
Or with npm:
npm install css-vars-adapter
Provides the ability to add a theme globally.
Takes 1 generic(TVariables) and 2 arguments.
type TVariables = {
[key: string]: TVariables | string | number;
type TOptions = {
replace?: boolean;
type TSetVariales = <T extends TVariables = {}>(values: T, options: TOptions = {}) => void
are your theme. You can transfer an object of any nesting, the library will parse it into a kebab-case.
specifies for adding a theme
- Checks globally for the presence of variables, and if a variable is present anywhere in the styles, skips it.
This will put the following styles object globally
import { setVariables } from 'css-vars-adapter';
const theme = {
colors: {
primary: {
'100': '#000000',
'200': {
'0': '#020202',
'1': '#030303',
secondary: '#FFFFFF'
borderRadius: '8px'
type TTheme = typeof theme;
setVariables<TTheme>(theme, { replace: true });
Allows you to get absolutely all the variables that the current page processes (not only which you have set).
From the previous example, you get the following:
import { getVariables } from 'css-vars-adapter';
type TValues =
| '--colors-primary-100'
| '--colors-primary-200-0'
| '--colors-primary-200-1'
| '--colors-secondary'
| '--borderRadius';
const globalViriables = getVariables<Record<TValues, string>>();
// {
// '--colors-primary-100': '#000000',
// '--colors-primary-200-0': '#020202',
// '--colors-primary-200-1': '#030303',
// '--colors-secondary': '#FFFFFF',
// '--borderRadius': '8px'
// }
Use the recommended setting single-spa-systemjs
- Inside importmap your index.html describe the path to the dependency
<script type="systemjs-importmap">
"imports": {
"css-vars-adapter": "",
- Inside your webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
externals: ['css-vars-adapter'],
- Inside your application, it is advisable to make changes to variables before the first mount.
We give preference to emotion or styled-components, then you can use the ThemeProvider with this approach and do without our library.
import React from 'react';
import { ThemeProvider } from '@emotion/react'
export default function ({ theme }) {
return (
<ThemeProvider {...{ theme }}>
{/* ... */}
But you can also use our library if you work with css...
import { useLayoutEffect } from 'react';
import { setVariables } from 'css-vars-adapter';
type TTheme = {
colors: {}
export const useGlobalVariables = (theme: TTheme) => {
useLayoutEffect(() => {
setVariables(theme, { replace: false });
<script lang='ts'>
import { onBeforeMount, PropType } from 'vue';
import { setVariables } from 'css-vars-adapter';
type TTheme = {
colors: {
primary: '#000000'
export default {
props: {
theme: Object as PropType<TTheme>,
setup({ theme }) {
onBeforeMount(() => {
setVariables(theme, { replace: false });
.main {
background-color: var(--colors-primary);