This is an alpha level release of a pure iRODS implementation of the GA4GH Data Repository Service (DRS).
This docker-compose configures both the GA4GH DRS for iRODS and an iRODS REST API early access release. The two components work together to support the DRS functions.
irods-drs is a Docker image that contains an implementation of the GA4GH Swagger spec for the Data Repository Service version 1.0.0.
irods-rest is a Docker image that contains an early access implementation of supporting iRODS endpoints needed for DRS, specifically the issuing of JWTs for authenticated iRODS users and an endpoint for accessing file content as a stream for downloads.
This DRS implementation only requires a running iRODS data grid ( This open source data management platform can manage collections of data that span all manner of local and cloud storage. iRODS provides a global logical namespace and can arrange colelctions by hierarchy as well as by metadata relationships. This implementation defines a DRS data bundle as a parent iRODS collection, all data objects contained in the parent folder are considered DRS bundle objects. The bundle is a flattened view and can include objects in a subfolder.
Bundles and contained data objects are marked in-place with AVU metadata, these are metadata tuples that can be attached at the file and collection level. This arrangement means that a collection can be used as-is with little alteration in DRS, having a minimal impact on other access methods.
Currently this DRS implementation does not account for managing the mutability of data in a bundle, though iRODS rule engine policies can easily manage immutability and versioning if this is desired.
The DRS and iRODS Rest API are thin clients run via Docker, they only need proper host and authentication information to connect and work properly. Each of these Docker images in the compose file will look for a and, respectively, in a volume mount for /etc/irods-ext. In this directory is a sample etc/irods-ext collection that can be copied and configured for the target iRODS grid. The location of these properties files is set as an IRODS_EXT_PATH environment variable before starting the docker images.
An initial console application (like iCommands) has been created, currently this is only suitable for testing and evaluation. This allows you to navigate around iRODS collections and create, remove, and list existing bundles.
The DRS API and the REST API are configured with a shared key used to encode and decode a JWT used as a Bearer token in DRS. The iRODS REST API has an authentication endpoint (see
To obtain a JWT to use as a Bearer token for DRS, you can call the auth endpoint with a valid iRODS user/password. You will be authenticated to iRODS and a JWT will be created with the iRODS identity in the JWT claims. This identity is used for any operations on iRODS via policies or access decisions.
The JWT token is then presented to DRS as a Bearer token and validatd via the shared key. The REST API can authenticate via these JWT tokens as well, and can utilize an iRODS ticket for the access URL endpoints in DRS
The following steps refer to the docker-compose files located in ./ga4gh-drs-service/compose. Please go to that directory to run the framework
Set an environment variable that points to the local etc/irods-ext directory. In this case, the command uses the current location in the 'compose' subdirectory that contains the docker compose file, with settings that will pick up the default configuration for the docker test framework.
export IRODS_EXT_PATH=`pwd`/etc/irods-ext
docker-compose up -V
You should see the following containers running if you execute docker ps
docker ps
48467cc21fe7 michaelconway/ga4gh-drs:latest "/" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>8080/tcp irods-drs
be61459d12ae michaelconway/irods-rest2:1.0.1 "/" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>8080/tcp irods-rest
734d13a1c4d6 michaelconway/ga4gh-console:latest "/" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes ga4gh_console
48413ccdcb89 compose_irods-catalog-provider "./" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>1247/tcp, 1248/tcp irods-catalog-provider
You can find the swagger UI at http://localhost:8080/ga4gh/drs/v1/swagger-ui.html
The DRS console is a docker image that is a thin client to iRODS. This can be started as a stand-alone docker image, and the code is built as part of this package. It can be found under the ga4gh-console. This container is already running under compose, so you can open a bash session inside the running container
docker exec -it ga4gh_console bash
This puts you at an interactive prompt. In the current directory you will find an ./ script that can start the console
/ # ./
. ____ _ __ _ _
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
:: Spring Boot :: (v1.5.9.RELEASE)
For the compose based test framework, you can sign in using one of the test id's (user: test1 password: test). You need to first iinit, as you do in icommands
iinit --host irods-catalog-provider --zone tempZone --user test1 --password test
Typing help will give you a list of available commands:
Built-In Commands
clear: Clear the shell screen.
exit, quit: Exit the shell.
help: Display help about available commands.
script: Read and execute commands from a file.
stacktrace: Display the full stacktrace of the last error.
Drs Bundles Command
icd: Change working directory in iRODS
iinit: Initialize connection
ilistdrsb: List all DRS bundles
ils: List directory contents
imakedrsb: Make a DRS bundle at current directory
ipwd: Print working directory in iRODS
irmdrsb: Remove a DRS bundle by directory path or GUID
list-bundles: List Bundles
maketestbundle: Create test bundle
Several familiar icommands are provided that can help navigate to a target of a bundle. In the following sequence, the console moves to a subdirectory and creates a bundle. This sequence includes an illustration of how to log in (yes, the password right now is a plain text param, that's why it's alpha, I'll fix that for a real release)
Command 'ipwd' exists but is not currently available because you are not connected, please do the iinit command
Details of the error have been omitted. You can use the stacktrace command to print the full stacktrace.
shell:>iinit --host server4.local --zone zone1 --user test1 --password test
Connected to zone1 as user: test1
A bundle is a collection of iRODS files, where each object in the collection is a DRS Object. In order to facilitate testing the console includes a helper command to generate a test collection of files in iRODS that can be made into a bundle.
This creates a set of files with a prefix name (defaults to 100 byte files of random data to generate unique checksums). By default 10 files are created but that number can be adjusted.
So in order to create a test bundle from the console, issue a series of commands like so:
maketestbundle /tempZone/home/test1/testbundle2
This should give the following result
test bundle created at:/tempZone/home/test1/testbundle2
Now you can change into that iRODS collection of dummy data:
icd testbundle2
This puts you in the directory within which you want to create the DRS bundle. The 'imakedrsb' command will take the iRODS collection just created and add metadata that marks it as a DRS bundle.
Issuing this command should result in a response that indicates the GUID of the bundle just created:
created bundle with GUID:43606067-6cc1-410d-bdd5-e875e1841f14
Note that the bundle GUID is provided...You can use this in your DRS requests
The included (fragmentary) iRODS REST API endpoint is included which provides basic support for tokens and streaming file data. This service is included in docker compose and the endpoint should be available at: http://localhost:8888/swagger-ui.html#/files if running via the compose framework.
The iRODS REST api has a tokens endpoint, pass a valid iRODS user/password and get the token for later CURL operations. Here is a CURL example:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8888/token' \
--user test1:test \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{} '
this returns a token in the response
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/irods-rest2/token --user test1:test
Here is an (abridged) example of retrieving a data bundle via CURL given the Bearer token obtained via the REST API
curl -X GET \
'http://localhost:8080/ga4gh/drs/v1/objects/b670ec6a-78d2-438f-a180-885f49a016b4?expand=false' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0MSIsImlzcyI6Imlyb2RzLXJlc3QyIiwiaWF0IjoxNTgxMTAyMTkxfQ._XeZqqUi4MHmsxQdTyr-XcktnRaqtvRUToCGJq2rwL0QfGO9OSlKgf2OzknQtvl4F_i10oN-FBcT_uDO5gBuFg'
this returns a result like:
{"id":"b670ec6a-78d2-438f-a180-885f49a016b4","name":"/zone1/home/test1/study","self_uri":"drs://localhost/b670ec6a-78d2-438f-a180-885f49a016b4","size":0,"created_time":"2019-09-06T15:28:03Z","updated_time":"2019-09-06T15:28:03Z","version":"0","mime_type":"text/directory","checksums":[{"checksum":"736e715a72017f1e6ce67e9e5d7d0dc4e6b6d29e6150f7dc1f011697910c3bdf","type":"sha256"}],"access_methods":[],"contents":[{"name":"file1.json","id":"39e87c10-dbb6-4d45-9e21-1257ea337104","drs_uri":["drs://localhost/39e87c10-dbb6-4d45-9e21-1257ea337104"],"contents":[]},{"name":"file2.pdf","id":"ca8d9a9c-c3d1-417a-8663-6904d9870be1","drs_uri":["drs://localhost/ca8d9a9c-c3d1-417a-8663-6904d9870be1"],"contents":[]},{"name":"file3.pdf","id":"1c1c9892-d22f-4eef-882b-378d2a8dc3be","drs_uri":["drs://localhost/1c1c9892-d22f-4eef-882b-378d2a8dc3be"],"contents":[]},description":"iRODS exploded bundle collection","aliases":["/zone1/home/test1/study"]}(base) ~/Documents/workspace-niehs-dev/ga4gh-dos/ga4gh-dos-service/compose @ ALMBP-02010755(conwaymc):
Here one of the data objects is selected to obtain an access url
curl -X GET \
http://localhost:8080/ga4gh/drs/v1/objects/01c167a9-6367-4d7b-895b-02c151514e79/access/irods-rest \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0MSIsImlzcyI6Imlyb2RzLXJlc3QyIiwiaWF0IjoxNTgxMTAyMTkxfQ._XeZqqUi4MHmsxQdTyr-XcktnRaqtvRUToCGJq2rwL0QfGO9OSlKgf2OzknQtvl4F_i10oN-FBcT_uDO5gBuFg'
"url": "http://irods-rest:8888/fileStream?path=/zone1/home/test1/study/MuscleNGS/10-17-2017 POLG Muscle NGS project proposal.docx",
"headers": [
"X-API-KEY iU7Gc3dmeC1ECQ3"