leaf biophysics refactor and functional unit tests #1262
Task list completed / task-list-completed
2025-01-30 21:12:43
2 / 4 tasks completed
2 tasks still to be completed
Required Tasks
Task | Status |
The in-code documentation has been updated with descriptive comments | Completed |
The documentation has been assessed to determine if updates are necessary | Completed |
FATES PASS/FAIL regression tests were run | Incomplete |
Evaluation of test results for answer changes was performed and results provided | Incomplete |
Technical Note update: | Incomplete |
User's Guide update: | Incomplete |
evaluate gridded comparison while still retaining code that ensures near-b4b? | Incomplete |
incrementally remove b4b preservation code and evaluate differences | Incomplete |
clean up comments | Incomplete |
evaluate timing differences (particularly related to ci precision) | Incomplete |
introduce updates to btran (ie remove from stomatal intercept and add to Jmax)? | Incomplete |
we previously would abort the solution for Ci (intracellular CO2) if we encountered a negative Anet. This presumably was because negative Anet generates trivial conductance (intercept) which is a trivial solution. However, if the solver is not given a chance to converge properly, the next updates to Ci could very well generate positive Anet. In the refactor, we remove the premature abort on solution | Incomplete |
In the base model, we approach trivial solutions to cases with no leaves and no light kind of backwards. We see if the plant has light and then if the plant has leaves | Incomplete |
the convergence tolerance on Ci in master (EDIT...corrected) is pretty small, but finishes its search after 5 iterations and accepts the answer regardless of convergence. | Incomplete |