An iOS and Android client for written in React Native with Redux.
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Ensure that you're using NodeJS 7 or newer on OSX. Android projects can be built and tested on Linux and Windows, but for iOS you need OSX .
Before getting started, ensure you follow the official React Native Getting Started guide for your desired platform (iOS/Android). It is also recommended to have the react-native-cli installed:
yarn global add react-native-cli
Run the following to initialise the project:
Providing Xcode is setup correctly, Follow link bellow for running in Xcode :
Also don't forget to install Pod dependencies
pod install
- for opening project in Xcode use
Ensure that Android Studio is setup correctly and that an AVD has been created. The virtual device must be on API level 23 or greater running Android 6.0 or newer. You must have the AVD started before continuing with no other devices connected. To ensure you only have one device running, execute the following on the command-line:
adb devices
To run the application in the virtual device, run the following:
yarn start:android
To run on an actual device, first terminate any AVDs that are running. Connect the phone over USB and run adb devices
to ensure that it shows up. You can then run yarn start:android
to launch the application on the device.
The same software version restrictions apply to real devices.
To build a signed APK:
- Close all other development resources for the project.
- Uncomment
section inandroid/app/build.gradle
and set params as your .keystore file . - Run
(it's gonna build an Signed APK and Install on your device)
Nearby Live for OSX and Linux Desktop
Please take a look at our contributing guidelines if you're interested in helping!
Please keep in-line with the code style of each file, regardless of what tests are run (linting etc.). When creating new files their format is expected to closely resemble that of other existing source files.