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  1. Introduction ===============

MyProfile REST API is an API operating between the UI (e.g. MyProfile) and the SPARQL triple store (e.g. Virtuoso). It also handles external requests from other applications. MyProfile REST API contains an access control mechanism, operating at the triple level. All requests made to this API require WebID authentication.

Further details of the WebID protocol can be obtained at

MyProfile REST API supports standards and recommendations:

  • Read/Write Linked Data
  • Content negotiation
  • SPARQL 1.1
  • WebID

  1. Content negotiation ================================================================================

The most important part of MyProfile REST API is content negotiation. This means that depending on the "Accept" header, the application will set the correct contet type for the response.

For example, if a request has an HTTP header with the following option: Accept: text/n3, application/rdf+xml

then MyProfile REST API will set the ContentType header to text/n3 (preffered): Content-Type: text/n3

If for any reason n3 was not an acceptable format, the next one would have been chosen (i.e. application/rdf+xml).

Accepted request methods:

  • Write: PUT, DELETE
  • Append: POST

Response content types:

  • Turtle: */turtle, */rdf+n3, */n3
  • RDF/XML: */rdf+xml
  • NTriples: */rdf+nt, */nt
  • JSON: application/json (soon)
  • HTML: */html

If no matching format is found, the default format will be turtle.

  1. Quick example ================================================================================

The request:

HTTP/1.1 GET<urlencoded WebID uri>

With these extra header options:

Accept: text/rdf+n3

Will return*:

    a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:name "Andrei Vlad Sambra" ;
    foaf:givenName "Andrei Vlad" ;
    . . .

*The returned profile matches the access control policies specific to the user on whose behalf the request is being made, and optionally the agent doing the request.

  1. Dependencies ================================================================================

MyProfile REST API has only been installed and tested under Linux.

  1. Documentation ================================================================================

Documentation for the API classes can be found in public/docs/.

  1. Issues ================================================================================

A very common issue with this API is the fact that REST routes are not processed as they normally should. The main cause is either that ModRewrite has not been enabled in the web server, or that the "AllowOverride" directive in the web server configuration does not take into account the .htaccess file. A simple fix for the later case is to set AllowOverride to All:

AllowOverride All 


MyProfile REST API






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