released this
02 Feb 11:19
Added Automatic Builder Base Troop Upgrades
Added Wall detection in CSV attack, see BoWiHe v3.2 by @Zeck for details
Added zoomout mode under Bot/Android/Android Options
Added /minimizebot command line option to minimize bot after auto-start
Added Grand Warden mode selection
Fixed Grand Warden Boosting when 7 Buttons exist
Fixed Auto Hero Upgrade Button not being found
Fixed BS2/BS3/BS4 adb connection issues, use dedicated adb daemon on free tcp port per instance
Fixed Cyrillic OCR
Fixed Extended Attackbar Slot Detection
Fixed infinite looping between home and builder base
Fixed bot running in a folder with umlauts
Fixed freeze in village search waiting for clouds to clear
Fixed command line help (parameter /? or /help)
Fixed help display when links used in bot
Fixed page error on Battle End Screen
Fixed array errors in multiple places when image search returned no result
Fixed bot crash when using screencap with wrong coordinates
Fixed bot running directly from UNC network path like \mybot_pc\mybot_home...
Fixed Android "reset" (soft reboot) when Bot is paused during Android suspend
Fixed Droid4X 0.10.7 support
Fixed wall upgrade using elsewhere needed recources, when upgrading more than one wall
Improved siege machine selection
Improved TH12 detection
Improved bot responsiveness during image processing
Improved android zoomout
Improved android accurate click&drag
Improved bot first time detection
Improved timed heroes activation to 3 digit number, e.g. 150 sec.
Improved detection for SmartFarm and SmartZap
Improved zoom-out error handling restarting android on multiple failures
Improved measuring village & centering village
Improved measuring builder base
Improved Eagle lvl 2 weak base detection
Improved frequent android restarts due to page error by resetting error counter when beginning to search villages
Improved last raid notify text @miked
Changed CoC launch to push shared_prefs only when account switching is enabled
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