To create the object file of lexer
g++ -c ./src/lexer/lexer.cpp
To create the object file of parser
g++ -c ./src/parser/parser.cpp
To create the object file of assembly
g++ -c ./src/assembly/acg.cpp
To create the object file of intermediate code
g++ -c ./src/intermediate/icg.cpp
To create the object file of symbol Table
g++ -c ./src/symboltable/symbTable.cpp
To create the object file of main program
g++ -c ./main.cpp
To, create an exe file, We need to to link all the object files
g++ main.o lexer.o icg.o symbTable.o acg.o parser.o -o main.exe
To run the test the program, we need to provide a file name to our program.
./main.exe program.txt
Crate a dircotry named bin in the root folder and then. Just write the make command, it will compile everything.
You will also need to create the target folder in the root direcotry. Because the target generated code is set to this folder. Otherwise, you will not be able to generate assembly and intermediate code file.