Social ideation platform that helps you brainstorm Ideas. Create, edit, collaborate & share ideas in a fun, visual way 🥳
When you write down 10 ideas a day as James Altucher recommends, you will have thousands of ways you can make money and improve your life by the end of the year. Even if 90% of your ideas are total crap, you’ll still have 365 high quality and actionable ideas that can change your life.
- Firebase
- Vue.Js
- Vuetify (Material Design Vue Framework)
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install node modules
npm install
oryarn install
- Serve
npm run serve
oryarn serve
(Glad to see Pull Request Flooded 🤓)
Pull requests and potential features are welcome.
- Make all changes to your forked branch.
- Update this README if necessary.
- Submit a Pull Request and make sure to reference the issue.
- Authentication
- Display My Ideas
- Display Public Ideas
- Love Count
- Update Account
- Edit, Delete Personal Ideas
- Idea Search
- Mark Favourite Idea
- Idea Favourite Count
- Replace Content Loaders with Vuetify Content Loaders
- Report Public Idea
- Single Idea Sharable Link
- Idea Collaboration
- Reactive Page Title
- Idea Love Count
- Idea board comments
- Idea Board Prioritization
- Customize Dashboard
- Server Side Rendering with Nuxt.Js
- Mailing
- Notifications
- PWA Support
Feel free to come up with your intuition and update Todo list or let me welcome your PR 🎉
Facing any Issues or weird behavior(yes, apps behave)? Feel free to open a new issue and I will ideate on it where I went wrong.
Muhammad Muhaddis 🚇 💻 💼 |
DiegoPette 💻 |
Umar Farouq Mohammed 🎨 |
Mark 💻 🎨 |
kasulejoseph 💻 |
Cyber Security Researcher and Full Stack Developer. Vue, AWS & Laravel are my favorite weapons. Make sure to check out my GitHub I am on a journey to #365DaysOfCode
Feel free to say 👋 on Twitter @MuhaddiMu and don't forget to land on Muhaddis.Info
Interested more about me? Read 50 Random Facts About Me 😅
MIT Copyright © 2019, Muhammad Muhaddis. All rights reserved.