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Clothes Store SDA/DB Project

Project by: k181198 Mubeen k180258 Moiz Adil Students of FAST NUCES - KHI

We made an ecommerce platform to buy clothes and an admin panel to manage website and database with simple CRUD operations on the database.

This is a semester project for Fall 2020 SDA / DB course, a web application made on MERN Stack.


The website is built on MERN Stack: enter image description here Redux is used for State Managemententer image description here


  • A new user can register on the website.
  • A customer can see details of the product present in the cart .
  • A customer can view his order history.
  • A customer can add or delete a product from the cart.
  • Admin can view the products purchased on particular date.
  • Admin can view number of products sold on a particular date.
  • A customer can view the total price of product present in the cart unpurchased.
  • A customer can search for a product.
  • A user can change his own account information.
  • A customer can pay through Paypal or credit card.
  • Admin can manage all users on the website.

Home Screen Screenshot:

enter image description here

Install Dependencies for frontend and backend:

Open terminal and make sure you have node and npm installed then run:

npm install
cd frontend
npm install
cd ..

Environment Variables:

Create file named '.env' in root and enter mongo URI and paypal client ID of your account.

NODE_ENV = development
PORT = 5000
MONGO_URI = Enter mongoDB connection URI
JWT_SECRET = 'abc123'
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID = Enter paypal client ID

Firstly, add database, you can seed sample data into database with the following command in terminal:

# Import data
npm run data:import

and also destroy data to initialize it with your own data.

# Destroy data
 npm run data:destroy

Sample users login:	123456	(Admin user)	123456	123456

Running the project:

Run the following command to launch both front end and backend. Project uses port 3000 and 5000 by default, make sure these ports are free or change them manually:

npm run dev


The MIT License


SDA/DB Project






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