Project by: k181198 Mubeen k180258 Moiz Adil Students of FAST NUCES - KHI
We made an ecommerce platform to buy clothes and an admin panel to manage website and database with simple CRUD operations on the database.
This is a semester project for Fall 2020 SDA / DB course, a web application made on MERN Stack.
The website is built on MERN Stack: Redux is used for State Management
- A new user can register on the website.
- A customer can see details of the product present in the cart .
- A customer can view his order history.
- A customer can add or delete a product from the cart.
- Admin can view the products purchased on particular date.
- Admin can view number of products sold on a particular date.
- A customer can view the total price of product present in the cart unpurchased.
- A customer can search for a product.
- A user can change his own account information.
- A customer can pay through Paypal or credit card.
- Admin can manage all users on the website.
Open terminal and make sure you have node and npm installed then run:
npm install
cd frontend
npm install
cd ..
Create file named '.env' in root and enter mongo URI and paypal client ID of your account.
NODE_ENV = development
PORT = 5000
MONGO_URI = Enter mongoDB connection URI
JWT_SECRET = 'abc123'
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID = Enter paypal client ID
Firstly, add database, you can seed sample data into database with the following command in terminal:
# Import data
npm run data:import
and also destroy data to initialize it with your own data.
# Destroy data
npm run data:destroy 123456 (Admin user) 123456 123456
Run the following command to launch both front end and backend. Project uses port 3000 and 5000 by default, make sure these ports are free or change them manually:
npm run dev
The MIT License