To begin, run the following command to download the project using Git:
git clone
Next, move into the new project’s folder and install all its dependencies:
# move into the new folder
cd vanilla-php-api
# install dependencies
composer install
Next, edit database credentials from Config/database.php
'mysql' => [
'name' => '', // Database Name
'username' => '', // Database Username
'password' => '', // Database Password
'connection' => '', // Database Connection
Next, migrate the database tables by visiting install URL:
Endpoint | Method | Body | Description |
api/register | POST | name, email, password | Create New User |
api/login | POST | email, password | Login to account |
api/password-reset | POST | Reset Password |
Endpoint | Method | Body | Description |
api/lists | GET | Get All Lists | |
api/lists/{id} | GET | Get List By ID | |
api/lists | POST | name | Create New List |
api/lists/{id} | PUT | name | Update List |
api/lists | DELETE | id | Delete List |
api/lists/{id}/item | POST | name | Add New Item To List |