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Uploading FirmataPlus to Arduino

Alan Yorinks edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 19 revisions

FirmataPlus is an enhanced version of StandardFirmata that is included with this distribution.

PLEASE NOTE: FirmataPlus is different than StandardFirmataPlus. StandardFirmataPlus WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY.

FirmataPlus provides support for:

  1. HC-SR04 Sonar distance devices
  2. Rotary Encoder (not supported for FirmataPlus32u4)
  3. Stepper Motor Support
  4. Piezo tone generation.

Leonardo and Mega 2560 users, please upload FirmataPlus32u4 instead of FirmataPlus

FirmataPlus is distributed as a zip file. If you downloaded the pyamta_aio distribution from Github and extracted the files, you will find a file in the FirmataPlus directory. You can also directly download it here. Click on the "view raw" button to download.

Open the Arduino IDE and select File/Preferences to determine your sketchbook location.

Close the Arduino IDE and extract the file into the sketchbook location directory.

Re-open the Arduino IDE, select File/Examples/FirmataPlus/FiramataPlus and upload to your Arduino.


If you are seeing warnings when you compile the FirmataPlus sketches in the Arduino IDE, make sure you have set the compiler warnings level to "Default" in the File/Preferences screen. If you are still seeing warnings, get the latest copy of and reinstall.