Books to read:
Jenkins 2. Up and runningSpring Security in ActionGradle Effective Implementations GuideKafka in Action- Data-Oriented Programming in Java
- Learning Go: An Idiomatic Approach to Real-World Go Programming 2nd Edition
- Concurrency in Go: Tools and Techniques for Developers
- Learn Concurrent Programming with Go
- Cassandra: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition
- Testing Web APIs
- Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts
Kafka: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition- Kafka Streams in Action
- Java Concurrency in Practice
- Lucene in Action, Second Edition: Covers Apache Lucene 3.0 2nd Edition
Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems- Java Performance: In-Depth Advice for Tuning and Programming Java 8, 11, and Beyond 2nd Edition
- Prometheus: Up & Running
- Algorithhms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
- Juint in Action. Third Edition
- Kubernetes Native Microservices with Quarkus, and MicroProfile
- OpenShift in Action
- Terraform in Action
- Vert.x in Action
- PostgreSQL: Up and Running
- Introducing Maven
- Mastering Kafka Streams and ksqlDB
- Practical Vavr
- Neo4j in Action
- GraphQL in Action
- Redis in Action
- MongoDB in Action, Second Edition
- Istio in Action
- Rust in Action
- Production Kubernetes: Building Successful Application Platforms
- Go Programming Language, The (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
- kubectl: Command-Line Kubernetes in a Nutshell
- Algorithmic Thinking: A Problem-Based Introduction
Ideas to build:
- CDC full flow locally;
- Debezium snapshots;
- Build my own simple SQL database;
- Build my own simple cache database;
- Build my own simple Queue.
- Build my own ZIP parser. Helper link
- SQLite Page Explorer
- Search Logs Faster than Sonic
- The New Age of Data-Intensive Applications
- What's OAuth2 Anyway?
- gRPC vs REST: Understanding gRPC, OpenAPI and REST and when to use them in API design
- B-Trees: More Than I Thought I'd Want to Know
- That's Not an Abstraction, That's Just a Layer of Indirection
- The CAP Theorem of Clustering: Why Every Algorithm Must Sacrifice Something
- Write your Own Virtual Machine
- Implementing Raft: Part 0 - Introduction
- The secret life of DNS packets: investigating complex networks
- What I Wish Someone Told Me About Postgres
- Diagram as Code
- 1BRC–Nerd Sniping the Java Community
- The Copenhagen Book
- Database Transactions in Go with Layered Architecture
- Database Fundamentals
- Building and scaling Notion’s data lake
- turbopuffer: fast search on object storage
- Three Ways To Think About Channels
- Exploring How Cache Memory Really Works
- Beware! Anti-patterns in Event-Driven Architecture
- Don't DRY Your Code Prematurely
- Thread - the tech we can't use or teach
- Hello World
- Understanding Google’s File System
- Algorithms for Modern Hardware
- 40 years of programming
- Deterministic Simulation Testing for Our Entire SaaS
- Cybersecurity for Beginners – a curriculum
- Let's build the GPT Tokenizer
- Neural Networks: Zero to Hero
- Bloom Filters
- professional-programming
- (Almost) Every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret after 4 years running infrastructure at a startup
- A Distributed Systems Reading List
- Reading QR codes without a computer!
- How the append-only btree works
- Understanding Parquet, Iceberg and Data Lakehouses at Broad
- Databases are the endgame for data-oriented design
- Abracadabra: How does Shazam work?
- Making Games in Go for Absolute Beginners
- Go, Containers, and the Linux Scheduler
- Building a high performance JSON parser
- Linear Algebra Done Right
- Base64 Encoding, Explained
- An Interactive Intro to CRDTs
- Explaining The Postgres Meme
- Absurd Success
- Concurrent Data Structure Design Walkthrough
- Putting the “You” in CPU
- Llama from scratch (or how to implement a paper without crying)
- Subtrace is Wireshark for your Docker containers
- When Imperfect Systems are Good, Actually: Bluesky's Lossy Timelines
- Brainwash An Executive Today!
- The Best Product Engineering Org in the World
- Stop Trying To Schedule A Call With Me
- Cognitive load is what matters
- Preferring throwaway code over design docs
- The forgotten mistake that killed Japan’s software industry
- How I ship projects at big tech companies
- Methodology is bullshit: principles for product velocity
- Capt. Grace Hopper on Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People (1982)
- Money and Happiness: Extended Evidence Against Satiation
- I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again
- Leadership Is A Hell Of A Drug
- Leaving LinkedIn. Choosing Engineering Excellence Over Expediency
- How to be a -10x Engineer
- When to Shut Up: A Visual Guide (with included algorithm)