A plugin that adds SCP-1162
The idea is taken from the plugin
- 1. Find the SCP SL server config folder
("C:\Users(user name)\AppData\Roaming\SCP Secret Laboratory" for windows, "/home/(user name)/.config/SCP Secret Laboratory/" for linux)
2. Find the "PluginAPI" folder there, it contains the "plugins" folder.
3. Select either the port of your server to install the same on that server or the "global" folder to install the plugin for all servers
- Run the command in console
p install MrAfitol/SCP-1162
# What message will be displayed when using Scp-1162? ({dropitem} - Thrown or dropped item. {giveitem} - Changed item. {dropstatus} - Replaces the text written in the points below in dependence on the drop status.)
message: <b>You {dropstatus} a <color=green>{dropitem}</color> through <color=yellow>Scp-1162</color>, and received a <color=red>{giveitem}</color></b>
drop_text: dropped
throw_text: throwed
# What message will be displayed when item are deleted? ({dropitem} - Thrown or dropped item. {dropstatus} - Replaces the text written in the points below in dependence on the drop status.)
message: <b>You {dropstatus} a <color=green>{dropitem}</color> through <color=yellow>Scp-1162</color>, and got <color=red>nothing</color></b>
drop_text: dropped
throw_text: throwed
# From what distance can Scp-1162 be used?
scp1162_distance: 2
# What is the chance of spawning Scp-1162? (100 = always)
scp1162_chance_to_spawn: 100
# What is the chance that the hands will be cut off if the item is not in the hands. (Set to 0 to disable)
cutting_chance: 30
# What is the chance that the item will be deleted. (Set to 0 to disable)
delete_chance: 10
# If this item is enabled, the hands will not be cut off only when the player threw item.
ignore_throw: true
# List of items that may drop from Scp-1162.
- SCP500
- KeycardContainmentEngineer
- GunCOM15
- GrenadeFlash
- SCP207
- Adrenaline
- GunCOM18
- Medkit
- KeycardGuard
- Ammo9x19
- KeycardZoneManager
- KeycardResearchCoordinator
- Ammo762x39
- Ammo556x45
- KeycardScientist
- KeycardJanitor
- Coin
- Flashlight
# List of items and their name when using Scp-1162, if the item is not in the list the name will be the default.
SCP500: SCP-500
KeycardContainmentEngineer: Containment Engineer Keycard
GunCOM15: COM-15
GrenadeFlash: Flashbang Grenade
SCP207: SCP-207
Adrenaline: Adrenaline
GunCOM18: COM-18
Medkit: Medkit
KeycardGuard: Guard Keycard
Ammo9x19: Ammo9x19
KeycardZoneManager: Zone Manager Keycard
KeycardResearchCoordinator: Research Supervisor Keycard
Ammo762x39: Ammo762x39
Ammo556x45: Ammo556x45
KeycardScientist: Scientist Keycard
KeycardJanitor: Janitor Keycard
Coin: Coin
Flashlight: Flashlight
# Will the gun have a full ammo?
fill_max_ammo: true
# Will the gun have a random attachments?
random_attachments: true
# The name of the role that can use commands for Scp-1162.
- owner
# User ID that can use commands for the Scp-1162.
- SomeOtherSteamId64@steam
# This option is for a custom SCP-1162 location
- room_name_type: Lcz173
offset_x: 17
offset_y: 13
offset_z: 3.58999991
rotation_x: 90
rotation_y: 0
rotation_z: 0
Be sure to check out the Wiki