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A plugin that adds SCP-1162

The idea is taken from the plugin

How download ?

  • 1. Find the SCP SL server config folder

("C:\Users(user name)\AppData\Roaming\SCP Secret Laboratory" for windows, "/home/(user name)/.config/SCP Secret Laboratory/" for linux)

  • 2. Find the "PluginAPI" folder there, it contains the "plugins" folder.

  • 3. Select either the port of your server to install the same on that server or the "global" folder to install the plugin for all servers


  • Run the command in console p install MrAfitol/SCP-1162


# What message will be displayed when using Scp-1162? ({dropitem} - Thrown or dropped item. {giveitem} - Changed item. {dropstatus} - Replaces the text written in the points below in dependence on the drop status.)
  message: <b>You {dropstatus} a <color=green>{dropitem}</color> through <color=yellow>Scp-1162</color>, and received a <color=red>{giveitem}</color></b>
  drop_text: dropped
  throw_text: throwed
# What message will be displayed when item are deleted? ({dropitem} - Thrown or dropped item. {dropstatus} - Replaces the text written in the points below in dependence on the drop status.)
  message: <b>You {dropstatus} a <color=green>{dropitem}</color> through <color=yellow>Scp-1162</color>, and got <color=red>nothing</color></b>
  drop_text: dropped
  throw_text: throwed
# From what distance can Scp-1162 be used?
scp1162_distance: 2
# What is the chance of spawning Scp-1162? (100 = always)
scp1162_chance_to_spawn: 100
# What is the chance that the hands will be cut off if the item is not in the hands. (Set to 0 to disable)
cutting_chance: 30
# What is the chance that the item will be deleted. (Set to 0 to disable)
delete_chance: 10
# If this item is enabled, the hands will not be cut off only when the player threw item.
ignore_throw: true
# List of items that may drop from Scp-1162.
- SCP500
- KeycardContainmentEngineer
- GunCOM15
- GrenadeFlash
- SCP207
- Adrenaline
- GunCOM18
- Medkit
- KeycardGuard
- Ammo9x19
- KeycardZoneManager
- KeycardResearchCoordinator
- Ammo762x39
- Ammo556x45
- KeycardScientist
- KeycardJanitor
- Coin
- Flashlight
# List of items and their name when using Scp-1162, if the item is not in the list the name will be the default.
  SCP500: SCP-500
  KeycardContainmentEngineer: Containment Engineer Keycard
  GunCOM15: COM-15
  GrenadeFlash: Flashbang Grenade
  SCP207: SCP-207
  Adrenaline: Adrenaline
  GunCOM18: COM-18
  Medkit: Medkit
  KeycardGuard: Guard Keycard
  Ammo9x19: Ammo9x19
  KeycardZoneManager: Zone Manager Keycard
  KeycardResearchCoordinator: Research Supervisor Keycard
  Ammo762x39: Ammo762x39
  Ammo556x45: Ammo556x45
  KeycardScientist: Scientist Keycard
  KeycardJanitor: Janitor Keycard
  Coin: Coin
  Flashlight: Flashlight
# Will the gun have a full ammo?
fill_max_ammo: true
# Will the gun have a random attachments?
random_attachments: true
# The name of the role that can use commands for Scp-1162.
- owner
# User ID that can use commands for the Scp-1162.
- SomeOtherSteamId64@steam
# This option is for a custom SCP-1162 location
- room_name_type: Lcz173
  offset_x: 17
  offset_y: 13
  offset_z: 3.58999991
  rotation_x: 90
  rotation_y: 0
  rotation_z: 0


Be sure to check out the Wiki


A plugin that adds SCP-1162






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