The GitHub repo is mirrored from the in-I2P GitLab repo. Please open PRs and issues at http://git.idk.i2p/zlatinb/muwire
MuWire is a file publishing and networking tool that protects the identity of its users by using I2P technology. Anyone with a desktop computer and an internet connection can create a unique anonymous online persona and publish information of any kind without fear of censorship or persecution.
Users can then use their MuWire identities to publish files, search for files published by others, subscribe to each other’s publications and communicate through chat and messaging. Furthermore, users can establish trust-based relationship with each other where they assign a “trust level” to their contacts.
The current stable release - 0.8.6 is avaiable for download at The latest plugin build and instructions how to install the plugin are available inside I2P at http://muwire.i2p. MuWire works on any platform Java works on, including Windows, MacOS, Linux, Rapsberry Pi.
You can find technical documentation in the doc folder. Also check out the Wiki for various other documentation.
You need JDK 9 or newer. After installing that and setting up the appropriate paths, just type
./gradlew clean assemble
If you want to run the unit tests, type
./gradlew clean build
If you want to build binary bundles that do not depend on Java or I2P, see the muwire-pkg project. If you want to package MuWire for a Linux distribution, see the Packaging wiki page.
./gradlew gui:run
The setup wizard will ask you for the host and port of an I2P or I2Pd router.
There is a Web-based UI under development. It is intended to be run as a plugin to the Java I2P router. Instructions how to build it are available at the wiki Plugin page.
Look inside cli-lanterna/build/distributions
. Untar/unzip one of the shadow
files and then run the jar contained inside by typing java -jar cli-lanterna-x.y.z-all.jar
in a terminal. The CLI options are documented here cli options
The CLI is in maintenance mode and will not be getting any new features.
MuWire is available as a Docker image. For more information see the Docker page.
If you want to help translate MuWire, instructions are on the wiki Translate page.
If you want to create your own MuWire network instructions are on the Wiki.
The MuWire Tracker Daemon (or mwtrackerd for short) is a project to bring functionality similar to BitTorrent tracking to MuWire. For more info see the Tracker page.
MuCats is a project to create a website for hosting hashes of files shared on the MuWire network. For more info see the MuCats project.
471B 9FD4 5517 A5ED 101F C57D A728 3207 2D52 5E41
You can find the full key at