This container is built automatically whenever code is pushed to master at
- If you use /dev/video, locally attached cameras or the database features of Motion, this container won't work for you at this stage.
- This is built directly from git master, if you want something more stable grab a prebuilt release from here and install manually.
something like this;
docker run -d --name=motion \
-p 7999:7999 \
-p 8081:8081 \
-p 8082:8082 \
-p 8083:8083 \
-p 8084:8084 \
-p 8085:8085 \
-p 8087:8087 \
-e TZ="Australia/Brisbane" \
-v /volume1/motion/config:/usr/local/etc/motion \
-v /volume1/motion/storage:/var/lib/motion \
--restart=always \
docker stop motion
docker rm motion
docker pull motionproject/motion:latest
- rerun above 'run' command
- name = a label for the container, should be motion or motion-project (but can be anything)
- ports = each -p line denotes 1 camera and its stream port
- TZ = the timezone the container will be running
- volumes = /dockerserver/path/to/config = /dockerserver/path/to/storage
- 29/09/20 Use multi-stage build
- 29/01/20 Triggered new build to bump to 4.3.0
- 21/01/19 Triggered new build to capture passthrough fixes from git master
- 30/11/18 Bumped to Ubuntu 18.04
- 30/11/18 Cosmetic changes and added x264 package
- 29/11/18 Initial build of Docker container
- 29/10/18 Motion 4.2 released