The Libft is a reproduction of some of the main functions of the C Standard Library. First project in the cursus of the 42 School of Paris.
All of the function with a "ft_" prefix were coded in accordance to their manual in the Standard Library.
To see their spec, invoke the "man" command from a shell.
man atoi
There are 71 in my library so far:
- ft_atoi.c
- ft_bzero.c
- ft_echo.c
- ft_isalnum.c
- ft_isalpha.c
- ft_isascii.c
- ft_isdigit.c
- ft_isnbr.c
- ft_isprint.c
- ft_itoa.c
- ft_lstadd.c
- ft_lstdel.c
- ft_lstdelone.c
- ft_lstiter.c
- ft_lstmap.c
- ft_lstnew.c
- ft_memalloc.c
- ft_memccpy.c
- ft_memchr.c
- ft_memcmp.c
- ft_memcpy.c
- ft_memdel.c
- ft_memmove.c
- ft_memset.c
- ft_nbnew.c
- ft_nbsplit.c
- ft_power.c
- ft_putchar.c
- ft_putchar_fd.c
- ft_putendl.c
- ft_putendl_fd.c
- ft_putnbr.c
- ft_putnbr_fd.c
- ft_putnbrendl.c
- ft_putstr.c
- ft_putstr_fd.c
- ft_realloc.c
- ft_strcat.c
- ft_strchr.c
- ft_strclr.c
- ft_strcmp.c
- ft_strcpy.c
- ft_strdel.c
- ft_strdup.c
- ft_strequ.c
- ft_striter.c
- ft_striteri.c
- ft_strjoin.c
- ft_strlcat.c
- ft_strlen.c
- ft_strmap.c
- ft_strmapi.c
- ft_strncat.c
- ft_strncmp.c
- ft_strncpy.c
- ft_strnequ.c
- ft_strnew.c
- ft_strnstr.c
- ft_strpos.c
- ft_strrchr.c
- ft_strrev.c
- ft_strsplit.c
- ft_strstr.c
- ft_strsub.c
- ft_strtrim.c
- ft_swap.c
- ft_tolower.c
- ft_toupper.c
- get_next_line.c
- show_binary_value.c
- show_int_tab.c