A Plot.ly Dash dashboard to explore ClinicalTrials.gov data stored in a PostgreSQL database hosted by Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative.
Create a virtual environment named
python3 -m venv .venv
Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
Install required libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install source of this repo as an editable package
pip install -e .
Create the file
containing our sensitive data (This file is listed in.gitignore
because it should never go in the repo)
Create an t2.large EC2 instance based on Ubuntu 18. Storage should be 32+ GB.
Make sure to open port 80.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y python3-pip
sudo apt install -y postgresql
sudo apt install -y unzip
Clone this repo.
cd clashboard
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create a file
with the following:hostname=localhost port=5432 database=aact username=postgres password=your_password
Here we can access a walkthrough to setting up the database and here we can get information on configuring the database. First we want to set up the database user and password:
sudo -u postgres psql template1
ALTER USER postgres with password 'your_password';
After configuring the password, edit the file
to use MD5 authentication with the postgres user:local all postgres md5
sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service
We retrieve the most recent data with the following command
sudo ./scripts/get_most_recent_data.sh
To add the schema that AACT tables are saved in:
psql aact
and thenalter role your-username in database aact set search_path = ctgov, public;
To launch the flask application first we copy
to the directory/etc/systemd/system
. Next, we run the following commands: -
sudo systemctl start clashboard
sudo systemctl enable clashboard
- First we clone the production repo, not a fork, so that Travis-CI will be deploying to the correct repo.
- Create an SSH key:
ssh-keygen -b 4096 -C 'build@travis-ci.com' -f ./deploy_rsa
in that clone. - Place the public key in the server's authorized users file.
- Encrypt the private key:
travis encrypt-file deploy_rsa --org --add
. This will use the travis-ci.org endpoint and add the appropriate line to the.travis.yml
file. Replacing the--org
flag with--pro
will use the travis-ci.com endpoint. - Edit the
and changebefore_install
. The generated version makes the file available during testing, which isn't necessary - and is a security risk. - Add
and the edited version of.travis.yml
to the repo. NOTdeploy_rsa
, which is the unencrypted version!!! - Edit both IPs in
and edit the path to thedeploy.sh
script. - Finally, add
to the repo so that Travis-CI can deploy the project
- openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_49099c38b3b5_key -iv $encrypted_49099c38b3b5_iv -in deploy_rsa.enc -out deploy_rsa -d
- chmod 600 deploy_rsa
provider: script
skip_cleanup: true
script: ssh -i deploy_rsa ubuntu@ 'source /home/ubuntu/clashboard/scripts/deploy.sh'