What was my motivation?
- Everytime I booted up a project I hated creating all the files and folders as it was slow.
Why did I build to project and what did it solve?
- I built this project so it's more efficient when starting a new project and it solves having to create the whole scss file structure manually. just run the command and it does it automatically.
. ├── base │ ├── _reset.scss │ └── _typography.scss ├── components │ ├── _buttons.scss │ ├── _carousel.scss │ ├── _cover.scss │ └── _dropdown.scss ├── layout │ ├── _footer.scss │ ├── _forms.scss │ ├── _grid.scss │ ├── _header.scss │ ├── _navigation.scss │ └── _sidebar.scss ├── pages │ ├── _contact.scss │ └── _home.scss ├── sass-utils │ ├── _functions.scss │ ├── _mixins.scss │ └── _variables.scss └── style.scss
Deployed website: https://www.npmjs.com/package/sassy-structure
npm i sassy-structure
Sassy-Structure is built with the following tools and libraries:
- Javascript
- npm
- Node.js
To run the script just type
npm run create-sassy-structure
Special thanks to @AdamMarsden for the stucture inspiration https://gist.github.com/AdamMarsden/7b85e8d5bdb5bef969a0
Feel free to reach out to me on my email: dev@moonstruck.pro