Given straight lines that form shapes. The library will create gcode that will cut out those shapes. This is a cam software to generate gcode for a cnc router.
Currenlty its just a libary just add in this line to your Cargo.toml. You can remove the rev if you want a newer version.
camcam = { git = "", rev = "3a366bc0cb2b6144ba09e4155058b0b58259b7f1"}
We have an example of how to use the libary in
Eventually if somone wants a command line interface and have it accept a certain file like a .dxf file then we may. Just ask with an Issue. To get all the tool path settings we are looking at using a .toml file.
You can view some of the examples produced with this on cncsim .
You can use CNCSimPro and LinuxCNC-sim for testing
Another great option to view the end product is cncsim .
We would love to have people contribute. If you want to send a pull request then I will view it. A less effort way is putting in an issue with a solution and Ill add it later.