A hubot script that uses creditcard-generator to generate test credit card numbers that pass the Luhn check.
See src/credit-card-number-generator.js
for full documentation.
In hubot project repo, run:
npm install hubot-credit-card-number-generator --save
Then add hubot-credit-card-number-generator to your external-scripts.json
hubot ccnum [cctype] [num] - responds with test credit card numbers. cctype is one of: a|m|v|j|e|vo|dn|ds . Optionally, specify a number and it will return n card numbers.
cctype | Description |
a | American Express |
dn | Diners Card |
ds | Discover Card |
e | enRoute Card |
j | JCB Card |
m | Master Card |
v | Visa Card |
vo | Voyager Card |
user1>> hubot ccnum v 4
hubot>> 4072032880843113
GNU GPL https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Pull requests are welcome! Please see the CONTRIBUTING file for details.