This is a billing application which can be use in any business to easily track all the important Info.
- User can Register and Login ,validation is performed by Validator package.
- Authentication done by jwt.
- performed private Routing,so that no can visit the authorized page.
- user can add customer , edit customer , delete customer and also search the particular customer.
- user can also perform the CRUD operation on Product .
- can Generate the bill for added product in cart and also able to download the invoice.
- can track the all bills , total sales , total customers , total products , and also particular customer's order history.
- react-router-dom
- axios
- validator
- sweetalert
- styled-components
- material-ui
- react-modal
- react-to-pdf
- lodash
- react-datepicker
- react-icons
- react-redux
- react
- redux-thunk
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ npm install