Climatological Lagrangian Coherent Structure calculation using python based on the code developed by Rodrigo Duran for Matlab.
This repository contains the scripts needed to deploy a series of particle releases using OpenDrift and calculate the associated climatological Lagrangian Coherent Structures. The user can define a variety of parameters, for more information see the jupyter notebook example. Support of quad-triangular unstructured grids such as SCHISM outputs is supported (hydro+waves, stokes drift only). The main objective of this repository is to calculate climatological LCSs, however options are provided if the user is interested in calculating non-climatological LCSs.
To use this package OpenDrift is necessary. To facilitate and make the installation faster please use mamba. Example of how to install on Unix-like platforms (Mac OS & Linux):
curl -L -O "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh
bash Miniforge3-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh
*Accessed: December 2023
Once mamba is installed we can proceed.
This research was part of the Moana Project, therefore the reader used for OpenDrift is especific to a reader developed by Simon Weppe for the project use. However, unless working with the same dataset or a data related to the Moana project I invite you to download the repository directly from OpenDrift
OpenDrift original repo
git clone
Branch developed by Simon Weppe
git clone
The environment.yml file contains all the dependencies needed to run opendrift and cLCS scripts.
cd ../
git clone
cd cLCS
mamba env create --name cLCS --file=environment.yml
pip install -e .
cd ../opendrift
pip install -e .
To build a local docker image:
docker build -f Dockerfile -t clcs:$tag .
To pull a working docker image from the current repository
Moana Version (developed by Simon Weppe)
docker pull mmontao/clcs:MOANA-v1.0.0
docker pull mmontao/clcs:v1.0.0
And run. $tag can be v1.0.0, MOANA-v1.0.0 or if built locally the chosen tag
docker run -ti mmontao/clcs:$tag bash
- contains the mean_CG class that deploys particles throughout the grid using OpenDrift and computes monthly averages Cauchy-Green tensors for a defined month (See Duran, et al., 2018 for more details on the methods).
- contains the class compute_cLCS_squeezelines which uses the provided Cauchy-Green tensors obtained from mean_CG to compute the squeezelines associated to cLCS.
- using the squeezelines obtained from compute_cLCS_squeezeline
can help to visualise the resulting cLCS using cartopy.cLCSrho_cartopy_colour
to plot the cLCS and the strength associated to them represented by a colourmap.cLCSrho_cartopy_monochrome
to visualise the cLCS in one colour. - contains some utility functions used accross the different classes such as
. The latter contains personalised colourmap options for a different variety of colourmaps (see Additional info).
- 01_cLCS_ROMS.ipynb This jupyter notebook displays an example of how to compute the cLCS calculation using the data from the thesis referenced below.
- 02_LCS_SCHISM.ipynb This jupyter notebook displays an example of how to compute the LCS calculation using an unstructured-hydrodynamic model (SCHISM) and a wave model.
- 03_LCS_SCHISM_stokes_only.ipynb This jupyter notebook displays an example of how to compute the LCS calculation only considering stokes drift.
cLCS description and matlab toolbox
Moana Project - BoP Study
Montano Orozco, M. M. (2023). Hydrodynamics and coastal dispersion from the Bay of Plenty, Aotearoa, New Zealand: A 25-year numerical modelling perspective (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). University of Otago. Retrieved from
For a better formatted version of the thesis (working embedded links) please click here
Moana Project THREDDS