We're a platform that create a virtual environment for artists to expose and sell their artworks on web3. We have a marketplace, galleries and also curated spaces. For the next future versions we should have auctions available. At the moment we're allowing artists to mint ERC721 or ERC1155 and sell their items. Also the platform allow secondary market, so a collector can relist a purchased item and sell it paying a royalty for the artist creator.
An import flow that we have in our platform is the artist subscription. For this, the artist should fill a form and send us its personal info. After that, the artists subscribed will appear in the dashboard admin that is a frontend built only for management by the admin. At this frontend we should have a page to the admin whitelist or blacklist some artist. So only the whitelisted artists would can mint in our platform.
A whitelisted artist can mint a new NFT with a price and a royalty value for secondary market sales. The price cannot be less or equal zero and the royalty cannot be greater than a maximum set by the marketplace owner.
After mint a NFT. The artist can list it on our marketplace to be sold. If the artist want is possible to delist this NFT from the market.
Here we have two possible scenarios.
The first one is the primary market sale. So the buyer need to pay the price required by the artist. This price will be divided in the collector fee that is 3%, the marketplace primary sale fee that is 15% and the rest is the amount that go to the seller. The collector fee and the marketplace primary sale fee go to the marketplace owner.
The other scenario is the secondary market. So here a collector is relisting a purchased item. So a buyer needs to pay a price required and here the price will be divided in:
- secondary market fee that is 5% that goes to the marketplace's owner.
- royalty fee that goes to the artist creator of the artwork.
- and the rest goes to the collector seller.
So for our v2.0 these are our main functionalities that gonna be available.
If you starting now at this project, please do the next configurations:
Install the VSCode extension:
code --install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode
In VSCode Open User Settings (JSON), add:
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[solidity]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
Some of the following tasks:
npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts
The GDNFTMarketplace contract is an Ethereum smart contract that enables the minting and selling of Gold Dust NFTs (GDNFT) on the Ethereum blockchain. This contract is based on the ERC721 token standard, and uses OpenZeppelin libraries for token ownership tracking and management.
- Name: GDNFTMarketplace
- ERC: ERC721URIStorage
- Symbol: GDNFT
: The contract constructor function initializes the GDNFT token with the name and symbol parameters, and sets up the Counters library for tracking the token IDs and items sold. -
updatePrimarySaleFeePercent(uint256 _percentage)
: This function updates the platform's primary sale fee percentage, which is taken from each original sale on the marketplace. Only the contract deployer can call this function. The_percentage
parameter is the new fee percentage in wei format. -
updateSecondarySaleFeePercent(uint256 _percentage)
: This function updates the platform's secondary sale fee percentage, which is taken from each resale on the marketplace. Only the contract deployer can call this function. The_percentage
parameter is the new fee percentage in wei format. -
updateCollectorFee(uint256 _percentage)
: This function updates the collector fee percentage, which is charged from each primary sale. Only the contract deployer can call this function. The_percentage
parameter is the new fee percentage in wei format. -
updateMaxRoyalty(uint256 _percentage)
: This function updates the maximum royalty percentage that can be set by the artist when they mint their NFT. Only the contract deployer can call this function. The_percentage
parameter is the new maximum royalty percentage in wei format. -
mintNft(string memory _tokenURI, uint256 _royaltyPercent)
: This function allows artists to mint a new GDNFT token and list it on the marketplace. The_tokenURI
parameter is the URI of the token metadata, and_royaltyPercent
is the royalty percentage that the artist wants to set for their work. The function fails if the artist is not whitelisted. -
listNft(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _price)
: This function allows artists to list their GDNFT token on the marketplace. The_tokenId
parameter is the ID of the token to be listed, and the_price
parameter is the price at which the token will be listed. The function fails if the price is less than or equal to 0. -
buyNft(uint256 _tokenId)
: This function allows buyers to purchase a GDNFT token from the marketplace. The_tokenId
parameter is the ID of the token to be purchased. The function fails if the token is not listed on the marketplace, or if the buyer does not have sufficient funds to make the purchase. -
updateListedNft(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _price)
: This function allows the seller to update the price of an already listed NFT the marketplace. The_tokenId
parameter is the ID of the token to be updated. The_price
parameter is the new price to be set. The function fails if the token is not listed on the marketplace, if the price is less or equal to zero or if the caller is not the seller. -
reListNft(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _price)
: This function allows an NFT owner(not original artist) to list the token on the secondary marketplace. The_tokenId
parameter is the ID of the token to be listed, and the_price
parameter is the price at which the token will be listed. The function fails if the price is less than or equal to 0 or the caller is not the owner of the token. -
delistNft(uint256 _tokenId)
: This function allows the seller of an NFT to remove the token from the marketplace. The_tokenId
parameter is the ID of the token to be removed. The function fails if the caller is not the seller of the token. When the token is removed, theid_MarketItem[_tokenId]
struct is updated to reflect that the token has been sold. The_itemsSold
counter is incremented since the token is no longer listed for sale. The token is transferred from the marketplace contract to the seller, and anNftRemovedFromMarketplace
event is emitted. -
auction(uint256 _tokenId, address _auctionContract)
: This function allows the owner of an NFT to move the token to an auction contract. The_tokenId
parameter is the ID of the token to be moved, and the_auctionContract
parameter is the address of the auction contract to which the token will be moved. The function fails if the caller is not the owner of the token. When the token is moved, it is transferred from the caller to the auction contract, and anNftSentToAuction
event is emitted. -
setValidator(address _address, bool _state)
: This function allows the contract owner to whitelist or blacklist an address as a validator. The_address
parameter is the address to be validated, and the _state parameter is the boolean state of the validation. The function emits aValidatorAdded
event when an address is added to the validator list. -
whitelist(address _address, bool _state)
: This function allows a validator to whitelist or blacklist an artist. The_address
parameter is the address of the artist to be whitelisted or blacklisted, and the_state
parameter is the boolean state of the artist's approval. The function emits anArtistWhitelisted
event when an artist is added to the whitelist.
interface defines the following events:
This event is emitted when a new Gold Dust NFT is minted and added to the marketplace.
: the ID of the new NFTowner
: the address of the owner of the NFTtokenURI
: the URI of the metadata for the NFTroyalty
: the royalty percentage set by the artist for the NFT
This event is emitted when a Gold Dust NFT is listed on the marketplace for the first time.
: the ID of the NFT that was listedseller
: the address of the seller who listed the NFTprice
: the price at which the NFT was listed
This event is emitted when a listed Gold Dust NFT is updated with a new price.
: the ID of the NFT that was updatedseller
: the address of the seller who updated the NFTprice
: the new price of the NFT
This event is emitted when a Gold Dust NFT is purchased from the marketplace.
: the ID of the NFT that was purchasedseller
: the address of the seller who sold the NFTnewOwner
: the address of the new owner of the NFTbuyPrice
: the price at which the NFT was purchasedroyaltyPercent
: the royalty percentage set by the artist for the NFTroyaltyAmount
: the amount of royalty paid to the artist for the NFTroyaltyRecipient
: the address of the recipient of the royalty paymentfeeAmount
: the platform's fee for the purchasecollectorFeeAmount
: the collector fee paid to the artist for the secondary sale
This event is emitted when a Gold Dust NFT is removed from the marketplace.
: the ID of the NFT that was removedseller
: the address of the seller who removed the NFT
This event is emitted when a Gold Dust NFT is sent to auction.
: the ID of the NFT that was sent to auctionseller
: the address of the seller who sent the NFT to auctionauctionAddress
: the address of the auction contract
This event is emitted when an artist is whitelisted to mint NFTs.
: the address of the artist who was whitelistedstate
: the state of the whitelist (true or false)
This event is emitted when a validator is added to the platform.
: the address of the validator who was addedstate
: the state of the validator (true or false)