TuxMail is a shell script to automate the installation and configuration of an email system for Debian/Ubuntu servers. Ideal for those who prefer running their own mailservers instead of using Gmail/Outlook etc.
Configured to use encrypted password authentication and TLS/SSL for IMAP & POP3. Mail accounts are virtual, with all mail accounts stored under /home/vmail. Mail clients only, web interface (Squirrelmail/Roundcube) not installed.
The following are installed:-
- Postfix MTA
- Dovecot for IMAP/POP access
- DSPAM (content-based spam filter)
- Dovecot antispam for training DSPAM
- Python Postfix Policyd SPF
- Debian 6
- Ubuntu 11.10 and above
First ensure that the MX and A records for your domain have been setup accordingly.
# Edit options to enter server IP, hostname etc
nano options.conf
# Install mail stack
./setup.sh install
# Add new virtual domain
./admin.sh ad mydomain.tld
# Add new user for mydomain.tld
./admin.sh au johndoe@mydomain.tld
Use any IMAP (Mutt, Thunderbird etc) compatible client for sending/receiving mails.
Combating spam includes the following measures:-
- Spamhaus Real-time Blackhole List
- SPF & RDNS checks
- Various sanity checks on sender's mailserver
Users train DSPAM dictionary by moving mails into Junk folder (when using IMAP). DSPAM will become more effective with increasing usage and training.