Frontend: React + ant design (pro)
Backend: Django
Assume that you have a good developing environment...
If you'd like to deploy on local:
cd chenbao_service
sh start.sh
Then view the website in browser: localhost:8012
If you'd like to deploy on a server:
There is no Nginx supported, so only a stupid way is provided.
Firstly modify the host and port configurations in chenbao_frontend/src/components/config.js
Then build the react project.
npm run build
Next, copy the contents in build folder into chenbao_service/chenbao/templates/ except the static folder. The static folder should be copied to chenbao_service/chenbao/
Then modify the PORT variable in chenbao_service/start.sh
Finally copy the entire chenbao_service folder to your server, and run start.sh to start.
URL may be your_host:your_port
If you'd like to modify frontend:
It's the same procedure as above. Build, copy and restart.
If you'd like to modify backend:
Just restart after modification.
If you don't like the cumbersome procedure:
I don't care and I don't want to spend more time on this project.
Maybe I would optimize it when I have a good mood one day.