De BadRotations
Please refer to list below for status of profiles.
Little How-To for the first run:
Also be sure to check the Wiki:
BadRotations Maintained By: CuteOne
-- Intro --
BadRotations is maintained by CuteOne with additional contributions from other developers who worked on combat rotation bots such as PQR, ProbablyEngine, and others. While it is more of a developer playground as compared to the more "for profit" bots this is free to use and we feel it is just as good, if not better, than the bots you pay money for. Don't agree? Feel free to post any issues you have and we will do our best to resolve them. Please note that you MUST have a Lua Unlocker to use this tool.
-- Features --
- Object Manager
- Ground Spells Support
- Healing Engine
- Clean User Interface w/ Profile Specific Toggle Buttons and Bot/Profile Specific Options
- Debug Frame
- And much more as new features and improvements are constantly added.
-- Profile Sellers/Stealers --
BadRotations is a free project for anyone to use and contribute to but we do ask that none of the code used here be taken or sold without permission.
-- Join the Team --
If you are a developer or are interested in being a beta tester, feel free to get in contact with one of the current coders to join BadRotations development team.
If you have code to improve a class you can send a "pull request". We will look over it and may merge it with BadRotations.
Current Coders: See Profile List Below
Past Contributors: Masoud, Gabbz, AveryKey, Chumii, Kinks, NOCARRIER, Sphoenix, ragnar, Defmaster
If you've contributed and you are not list here then please let CuteOne know so you can be added!
If you want to know what changes were made read the commit messages. Most of the time they contain the most changes.
Please submit any errors as issues here on GitHub or join the BadRotations community:
Discord channel:
Slack channel: (Currently not checked often)
Support Status Meanings
- Full - Developer is active and able to fully manage profile.
- Limited - Developer still supports but is unable to fully manage profile.
- Sporadic - Developer is not regularly active but still or is assumed to still support.
- Inactive - Developer has not appeared nor supported in sometime.
- Unknown - Status of Developer is unknown.
Raidable means if its good to raid with.
- ✅ - works good
- ❌ - should not be used in raid
- ✔️ - handles rotations, but no advanced features
⁉️ - currently unknown or in development; give feedback :D- BH - has BossHelper support, features things like using specific spell based on current boss etc.
- Blood
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
CuteOne | CuteOne | 11.0.2 | 50% | Limited | 08/27/2024 | |
BrewBloodKnight-SimC | BrewingCoder | 10.2.5 | 100% | Full | ✅ | 05/08/2024 |
- Frost
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
BrewDKFrost | BrewingCoder | 10.2.6 | 0% | Development | 07/26/2024 |
- Unholy
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
BrewUnholyDK | BrewingCoder | 10.2.5 | 90% | Limited | 05/08/2024 |
- Havoc
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
CuteOne | CuteOne | 10.2 | 100% | Full | 06/02/2024 |
- Vengeance
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
CuteOne | CuteOne | 10.2 | 100% | Limited | ✅ | 06/05/2024 |
- Feral
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
CuteOne | CuteOne | 11.0.2 | 100% | Full | 01/18/2025 |
- Devastation
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
CuteOne | CuteOne | 10.0 | 95% | Full | ✔️ | 07/26/2024 |
- BeastMastery
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
BrewBeastMaster | BrewingCoder | 10.2.6 | 75% | Limited | 07/26/2024 |
- Marksmanship
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
CuteOne | CuteOne | 11.0.2 | 100% | Limited | ✅ | 09/08/2024 |
- BrewMaster
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
BrewBrewMaster | BrewingCoder | 10.2.5 | 90% | Limited,Hardcoded Vals | 05/08/2024 |
- MistWeaver
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
BrewMistWeaver | BrewingCoder/SinWeaver/Lylo | 10.2.5 | 100% | Full | ✅ | 05/08/2024 |
- WindWalker
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
BrewWindWalker | BrewingCoder | 10.2.5 | 95% | Limited | 05/08/2024 | |
BrewWWPVE | BrewingCoder | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 05/08/2024 |
- Retribution
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
CuteOne | CuteOne | 10.2 | 90% | Sporadic | 05/17/2024 |
- Subtlety
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
CuteOne | CuteOne | 10.2 | 100% | Limited | ✔️ | 05/31/2024 |
- Enhancement
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
Blazin | CuteOne rework by Blazin | 11.0.2 | 100% | Limited | ❌ | 09/08/2024 |
- Affliction
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
BrewAffliction | BrewingCoder | 10.2.6 | 50% | Development | 05/08/2024 |
- Demonology
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
BrewDemon | BrewingCoder | 10.2.6 | 50% | Development | 05/08/2024 |
- Destruction
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
BrewDestro | BrewingCoder | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 07/26/2024 |
- Arms
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
CuteOne | CuteOne | 11.0.2 | 100% | Limited | ✔️ | 09/23/2024 |
- Fury
rotation | author | patch | coverage | status | readiness | last updated |
CuteOne | CuteOne | 11.0.2 | 100% | Limited | ✔️ | 10/06/2024 |
BrewFuryLeveling | BrewingCoder | 10.2.6 | 20% | Limited | 05/08/2024 |