""" Copyright @c Sadeghi mahdi.sadeghi@uni-tuebingen.de """
In this project we will focus on Multi perspective Hypermedia Environments (MHEs) and the main motivation is to facilitate knowledge work in educational and scientific contexts where the basic observations are pointing out that MHEs equipped with elaborated 2D interfaces can support multi perspective reasoning skills (MPRSs).
Used data: Animal Ontology information
For rendering the images on panels: A layout algorithm has been used in order to render animal images in panels so that they would cover the entire area of a panel
The horizontal Panel Includes: Sorted animals according to their lifespans all automatically and at run-time
Each panel will get scaled by gazing at the question mark in the middle for two seconds. by gazing at the cross icon for two second the panel/image will get rescaled.
Highlighting Animals in the same catagory (mamals, aquatic, ...) will get highlighted upon looking; The developed schema also have the cross-panel highlighting ability.
Text Description After gazing at the info button which is placed to the lower right of each image the correspondig habitat and behavior description of the animal will be shown
A link to the output can be found here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kzEJC6bUfVUQGHVtSUmaYV2FjFuRnC84/view?usp=sharing