Welcome 👋
npm install -g go-ios
can be used to get going. Run ios --help
after the installation for details.
The goal of this project is to provide a stable and production ready opensource solution to automate iOS device on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. I am delighted to announce that a few companies including headspin.io will use or are using go-iOS.
Follow my twitter for updates or check out my medium blog: https://daniel-paulus.medium.com/
If you are interested in using go-iOS please get in touch on LinkedIn, Twitter or the Github discussions above, I always love to hear what people are doing with it.
If you miss something your Mac can do but go-iOS can't, just request a feature in the issues tab.
Go-iOS is getting an experimental REST-API check it out https://github.com/danielpaulus/go-ios/tree/main/restapi
Using golang to compile static, small and fast binaries for all platforms very easily.
Build Manual: Install golang and run
go build
All output as JSON so you can easily use go-iOS from any other programming language
Everything is a module, you can use go-iOS in golang projects as a module dependency easily
Most notable:
- Install apps zipped as ipa or unzipped from their .app folder
ios install --path=/path/to/app
- Run XCTests including WebdriverAgent on Linux, Windows and Mac
- Start and Stop apps
- Use a debug proxy to reverse engineer every tool Mac OSX has, so you can contrib to go-ios or build your own
- Pair devices without manual tapping on a popup
- Install developer images automatically by running
ios image auto
- Set thermal states and network emulation on the device with the
ios devicestate
All features:
-v --verbose Enable Debug Logging.
-t --trace Enable Trace Logging (dump every message).
--nojson Disable JSON output (default).
-h --help Show this screen.
--udid=<udid> UDID of the device.
The commands work as following:
The default output of all commands is JSON. Should you prefer human readable outout, specify the --nojson option with your command.
By default, the first device found will be used for a command unless you specify a --udid=some_udid switch.
Specify -v for debug logging and -t for dumping every message.
ios listen [options] Keeps a persistent connection open and notifies about newly connected or disconnected devices.
ios list [options] [--details] Prints a list of all connected device's udids. If --details is specified, it includes version, name and model of each device.
ios info [options] Prints a dump of Lockdown getValues.
ios image list [options] List currently mounted developers images' signatures
ios image mount [--path=<imagepath>] [options] Mount a image from <imagepath>
ios image auto [--basedir=<where_dev_images_are_stored>] [options] Automatically download correct dev image from the internets and mount it.
> You can specify a dir where images should be cached.
> The default is the current dir.
ios syslog [options] Prints a device's log output
ios screenshot [options] [--output=<outfile>] Takes a screenshot and writes it to the current dir or to <outfile>
ios instruments notifications [options] Listen to application state notifications
ios crash ls [<pattern>] [options] run "ios crash ls" to get all crashreports in a list,
> or use a pattern like 'ios crash ls "*ips*"' to filter
ios crash cp <srcpattern> <target> [options] copy "file pattern" to the target dir. Ex.: 'ios crash cp "*" "./crashes"'
ios crash rm <cwd> <pattern> [options] remove file pattern from dir. Ex.: 'ios crash rm "." "*"' to delete everything
ios devicename [options] Prints the devicename
ios date [options] Prints the device date
ios devicestate list [options] Prints a list of all supported device conditions, like slow network, gpu etc.
ios devicestate enable <profileTypeId> <profileId> [options] Enables a profile with ids (use the list command to see options). It will only stay active until the process is terminated.
> Ex. "ios devicestate enable SlowNetworkCondition SlowNetwork3GGood"
ios lang [--setlocale=<locale>] [--setlang=<newlang>] [options] Sets or gets the Device language
ios mobilegestalt <key>... [--plist] [options] Lets you query mobilegestalt keys. Standard output is json but if desired you can get
> it in plist format by adding the --plist param.
> Ex.: "ios mobilegestalt MainScreenCanvasSizes ArtworkTraits --plist"
ios diagnostics list [options] List diagnostic infos
ios pair [--p12file=<orgid>] [--password=<p12password>] [options] Pairs the device. If the device is supervised, specify the path to the p12 file
> to pair without a trust dialog. Specify the password either with the argument or
> by setting the environment variable 'P12_PASSWORD'
ios profile list List the profiles on the device
ios profile remove <profileName> Remove the profileName from the device
ios profile add <profileFile> [--p12file=<orgid>] [--password=<p12password>] Install profile file on the device. If supervised set p12file and password or the environment variable 'P12_PASSWORD'
ios httpproxy <host> <port> [<user>] [<pass>] --p12file=<orgid> [--password=<p12password>] set global http proxy on supervised device. Use the password argument or set the environment variable 'P12_PASSWORD'
> Specify proxy password either as argument or using the environment var: PROXY_PASSWORD
> Use p12 file and password for silent installation on supervised devices.
ios httpproxy remove [options] Removes the global http proxy config. Only works with http proxies set by go-ios!
ios ps [--apps] [options] Dumps a list of running processes on the device.
> Use --nojson for a human-readable listing including BundleID when available. (not included with JSON output)
> --apps limits output to processes flagged by iOS as "isApplication". This greatly-filtered list
> should at least include user-installed software. Additional packages will also be displayed depending on the version of iOS.
ios ip [options] Uses the live pcap iOS packet capture to wait until it finds one that contains the IP address of the device.
> It relies on the MAC address of the WiFi adapter to know which is the right IP.
> You have to disable the "automatic wifi address"-privacy feature of the device for this to work.
> If you wanna speed it up, open apple maps or similar to force network traffic.
> f.ex. "ios launch com.apple.Maps"
ios forward [options] <hostPort> <targetPort> Similar to iproxy, forward a TCP connection to the device.
ios dproxy [--binary] Starts the reverse engineering proxy server.
> It dumps every communication in plain text so it can be implemented easily.
> Use "sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/Apple/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.usbmuxd.plist"
> to stop usbmuxd and load to start it again should the proxy mess up things.
> The --binary flag will dump everything in raw binary without any decoding.
ios readpair Dump detailed information about the pairrecord for a device.
ios install --path=<ipaOrAppFolder> [options] Specify a .app folder or an installable ipa file that will be installed.
ios pcap [options] [--pid=<processID>] [--process=<processName>] Starts a pcap dump of network traffic, use --pid or --process to filter specific processes.
ios apps [--system] [--all] [--list] Retrieves a list of installed applications. --system prints out preinstalled system apps. --all prints all apps, including system, user, and hidden apps. --list only prints bundle ID, bundle name and version number.
ios launch <bundleID> Launch app with the bundleID on the device. Get your bundle ID from the apps command.
ios kill (<bundleID> | --pid=<processID> | --process=<processName>) [options] Kill app with the specified bundleID, process id, or process name on the device.
ios runtest <bundleID> Run a XCUITest.
ios runwda [--bundleid=<bundleid>] [--testrunnerbundleid=<testbundleid>] [--xctestconfig=<xctestconfig>] [--arg=<a>]... [--env=<e>]...[options] runs WebDriverAgents
> specify runtime args and env vars like --env ENV_1=something --env ENV_2=else and --arg ARG1 --arg ARG2
ios ax [options] Access accessibility inspector features.
ios debug [--stop-at-entry] <app_path> Start debug with lldb
ios fsync (rm [--r] | tree | mkdir) --path=<targetPath> Remove | treeview | mkdir in target path. --r used alongside rm will recursively remove all files and directories from target path.
ios fsync (pull | push) --srcPath=<srcPath> --dstPath=<dstPath> Pull or Push file from srcPath to dstPath.
ios reboot [options] Reboot the given device
ios -h | --help Prints this screen.
ios --version | version [options] Prints the version
ios setlocation [options] [--lat=<lat>] [--lon=<lon>] Updates the location of the device to the provided by latitude and longitude coordinates. Example: setlocation --lat=40.730610 --lon=-73.935242
ios setlocationgpx [options] [--gpxfilepath=<gpxfilepath>] Updates the location of the device based on the data in a GPX file. Example: setlocationgpx --gpxfilepath=/home/username/location.gpx
ios resetlocation [options] Resets the location of the device to the actual one
ios assistivetouch (enable | disable | toggle | get) [--force] [options] Enables, disables, toggles, or returns the state of the "AssistiveTouch" software home-screen button. iOS 11+ only (Use --force to try on older versions).
ios diskspace [options] Prints disk space info.