This repository contains a complete ecommerce project built with React, Node, Express, Knex, and PostgreSQL. It is a great starting point for anyone looking to build a ecommerce application.
This project features a robust ecommerce backend built with Express and Knex. It also includes a front-end built with React.
- The front-end is built with React and React Router.
- The backend is built with Node, Express, Knex, and PostgreSQL.
- The project backend is deployed to Heroku.
- The project front-end is deployed to Netlify.
- Login/Register
- Home page with a search bar and a list of products.
- Products by category
- Product Listing
- Product Filtering
- Product Details
- Cart
- Checkout
- Payment
- Order History
- Admin Dashboard
To get started, clone this repository and install the dependencies:
git clone
cd ecommerce-project/client
npm install
npm start
cd ecommerce-project/server
npm install
Add database credentials to .env
Run Knex Migrations:
npm install knex -g
knex migrate:latest
See .env.example
file and add other credentials to .env
npm start
The app will be running on http://localhost:3000
To access the admin interface, go to: http://localhost:3000/admin
npm run test
# After migration files are executed
knex seed:run
node play.js