Tuition Tracker(Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile) - The Tracking app of tuitions for teachers available in both Android and iOS..
To have a dedicated tracking application for tuition teachers about their student details and tracking their work/activities in organised way.
Showing List of Students
Add student details like name, age, gender, standard.
We can add activities in four forms,
Gender wise
- Male -> Automatically assign the activity to All male students.
- Female -> Automatically assign the activity to All female students.
Standard Wise
- 1 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 1st standard students
- 2 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 2nd standard students
- 3 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 3rd standard students
- 4 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 4th standard students
- 5 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 5th standard students
- 6 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 6th standard students
- 7 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 7th standard students
- 8 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 8th standard students
- 9 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 9th standard students
- 10 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 10th standard students
- 11 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 11th standard students
- 12 -> Automatically assign the activity to All 12th standard students
- All -> Automatically assign the activity to all the students
- {student_id} -> Automatically assign the activity to the student who is having the id as studentId
Student Details by selecting student in students list.
- Showing List of assigned activities for this particular student.
- Changing activity completion status as complete/incomplete.
- Adding Individual activity for this particular student.
Showing list of all activities.
Add Gender-based, Standard-based, All-based activities
Activity details by selecting activity in activities list.
- Showing list of assigned students for this particular activity.
- Changing activity completion status as complete/incomplete.
Bottom navigation with two tabs
- Students
- Activities
Students has start destination as StudentsList Screen
StudentsList Screen
- Student Rows -> Navigating to StudentDetails Screen
- Navigation icon to AddStudent screen.
StudentDetails Screen
- Showing student full details.
- Showing list of assigned activities for this student.
- Navigation button to AddWorkActivity Screen to add Individual Activity for this student by passing student_id as argument
Activities has start destination as ActivitiesList Screen
ActivitiesList Screen
- Activity Rows -> Navigating to ActivityDetails Screen.
- Navigation icon to AddWorkActivity Screen to add (Gender, Standard, All) based activities.
- Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose
- Jetpack Navigation Compose
- Material3 Theme for dark/light
- Custom Font(Poppins)
- Custom DatePicker and OptionsPicker Dialog in Jetpack Compose
- Kotlinx Coroutines
- Enter/Exit Navigation Animations in Jetpack Compose
- MVVM Architecture
- SQLDelight for both Android and iOS SQLite database.
- Kotlin
- Kotlinx Coroutines
- KotlinX Datetime
- Expect/Actual Implementations
- SwiftUI
- Asynchronous Programming in Swift
- MVVM Architecture
- Light/Dark Theme support