A web-application developed on the .NET 3.1 (LTS). The main idea of a web application is to develop a system for data synchronization based on scheduled tasks. This repository can also serve as a template for creating the necessary data synchronization with a specific database or resource on the Internet.
Many applications face a problem where, when rewriting an application to a newer technology stack, it is necessary to interact with old data, as they can be used by other applications. In this case, data synchronization is used, so the presented example in this repository can solve this problem. An example is synchronizing data from another database where data may change periodically.
For EF migrations, use the following commands from Package Manager Console:
add-migration -context context -outputdir "Folder/Migrations"
remove-migration -context Context
update-database -context Context
Mikhail M. - Software Engineer;
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.