Lightweight Java PNG decoder
Usage example:
D:\lwjPNG>javac lwjPNG/
D:\lwjPNG>java lwjPNG/Test
reading image.png:
image size power of 2: false;
=> downscalling: 128x128px;
Bit depth: 32bit;
interlace: 1;
lwjPNG: done in 0.02531405s
ImageIO read in 0.10986439s
Release notes
lwjPNG v0.02
- Partial image read (image info). Now you can read whole image, by:
lwjPNG.LwjPNG.init(inputStream, true);
And than decode it, or you can call:
// read image information
lwjPNG.LwjPNG.init(inputStream, false);
// now you can get it's dimension
int w = lwjPNG.LwjPNG.getWidth(), h = lwjPNG.LwjPNG.getHeight();
// than read rest of the data
lwjPNG.LwjPNG.init(inputStream, true);
// and decode, scale
ByteBuffer buffer = lwjPNG.LwjPNG.decode();
- Minor speed improvement
- Bug fix for ByteBuffer position not set in interlace mode
lwjPNG v0.01
- Support for 24 & 32 bit PNG, interlaced or not
- Rescalle, see function ByteBuffer scale(int, int)
- For more details, see
- GNU General Public License v2.0