A Wolfram Mathematica image processing code for bubble flow images with low SNR/CNR.
Originally developed for high-FPS neutron imaging through thick (~ 30 mm) liquid metal layers.
The utilized methods and implementation are outlined in a recent publication (open access):
"Resolving Gas Bubbles Ascending in Liquid Metal from Low-SNR Neutron Radiography Images"
where both performance analysis and direct experimental validation are provided.
ATTENTION: the post-processing part of the code uses a package
by Anton Antonov (antononcube)
The image processing code is in the MAIN notebook; the two other notebooks are the code used for validation based on reference experiments.
Q: How does one use the code?
A: Instructions soon to be posted here.
Q: Is there an example dataset to test the code?
A: One will be made public soon, with examples of output.
Q: Am I available to help apply the code to your problem?
A: Yes, feel free to contact me at mihails.birjukovs@lu.lv or michael.birjukov@gmail.com
When using this code, please cite:
"Resolving Gas Bubbles Ascending in Liquid Metal from Low-SNR Neutron Radiography Images"