This is an app that can show you the weather on any location you want. You can even check the weather on your current location.
- Javascript ES6
- OpenWeatherMap API
- WebPack
- VS Code
Check this app on this Live demo link
Install Node in your system. To install Node, you can read the Documentation
Clone the repo or download the zip file into your machine.
git clone
On your terminal, CD into the Weather-App folder and run
npm install
This will install all the dependancies.
Then open the index.html in your browser (or use a local server)
👤 Miguel Uzcátegui
- Github: @miguelus373
- Linkedin: Miguel-Uzcátegui
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!. Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.