To Do List using .net
For this project, we use SQL Server as the database. The database schema includes tables for users, tasks, and language support.
This ToDo List API allows users to manage their tasks. It is built with .NET 6 and includes features for user authorization, adding tasks, marking tasks as completed, and deleting tasks,etc.
The available languages are es-mx (Spanish - Español) and en-us (English - Ingles)
YGO Client
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: */*'
"email": "",
"name": "Miguel S Test",
"password": "Abc12313451$",
"gender": 1,
"birthDate": "1998-11-26"
You can successfully register, log in, and interact with the ToDo List API using your authentication token.
You can consume the API using this URL: "".
For more information, you can check this swagger doc online about the ygo client. ToDoListApi - Swagger Documentation
To run tests, run AccountTests.cs from project ToDoList.XUnit
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me.
PDF Reports: Generate and download task reports in PDF format.
More Documentation: Expanded documentation with detailed guides and examples.