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Media.Monks Fork

This has been forked as it was deployed to our own GCP project so M.M users could access it. The Google deployment ran into security issues, as it wasn't deployed as publicly release app.

GCP Project: floody-media-monks

Hosted URL (Internal Org Members only):

Floody - Bulk Floodlight management

Managing many Floodlight Activities using the Campaign Manager 360 user interface can be time-consuming and tedious. Floody makes it possible for you to edit all your Floodlight Activities using a Single Screen.

Floody features: (all of the following support bulk operations)

  • Create new Floodlight Activities
    • Create linked audience list
  • Add/Update Default Tags
  • Add/Update Publisher tags
  • Export Floodlight Activities to Google Tag Manager
  • Share the working sheet with others

Floody Uses Google Sheets to provide you with an easy bulk editing interface, the spreedsheet is synced to the Campaign Manager 360 using API, when you click Import/Export.



Floody uses Google Cloud to power-up behind the scenes. It uses billable components of Google Cloud, including the following:

Build and Deploy Prerequisites

Before you begin

You need a Google Cloud project.

  1. Create a Google Cloud project.

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  3. Enable Google APIs required for Floody service:

    gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
  4. Clone the Github repository

    git clone && \
    cd floody
  5. Use an editor of your choice to update script with values for your project.

  6. Set the values as environment variables


Create service accounts

We recommend that you run application with fine-grained access control to improve access partitioning. If your project does not have a user-created service account, create one using following instructions.

You can use your browser by going to Service accounts in the Cloud Console.

  1. Create a service account to use as the user-managed application service account :

    gcloud iam service-accounts create "${FLOODY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}" \
    --project="${PROJECT_ID}" \
    --description="Service Account for Floody service" \
    --display-name="Floody Application service account"
  2. Create a custom role with required permissions for accessing Cloud Secrets and Datastore:

    gcloud iam roles create ${FLOODY_ROLE_NAME} \
    --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
  3. Apply the custom role to the service account:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
    --member="serviceAccount:${FLOODY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL}" \

Create OAuth Client ID Credential

Follow the steps to Generate OAuth Client Id

If this is your first time creating a OAUth credentials, you need to configure the OAuth consent screen.

Store the Client Id in Secret Manager

To ensure that the Client ID is not bundled as part of the code, it is recommended to use Cloud Secret Manager to store it. Cloud Run allows one to set environment variables based on Secrets to secure such sensitive information.

Create a secret with a secret ID floody-client-id:

gcloud secrets create "floody-client-id" --replication-policy="automatic"

Create a secret version with the actual client-id, Replace [client-id] with the Client ID credential

echo "[client-id]" | \
gcloud secrets versions add "floody-client-id" --data-file=-

Create Cloud Datastore Instance

Floody uses Cloud Datastore to store GTM export requests.

Create the Datastore database:

gcloud datastore databases create --region="${REGION_ID}"

Ensure that Cloud Run and Datastore instances are in the same Google Cloud region.

Build and Deploy Floody application to Cloud Run

Build container image

If you want to use your own build system, you will need use the following steps:

  1. Download latest Bazelisk (or install Bazel 4.1.0):

    wget -q \
    "" && \
    chmod +x bazelisk-linux-amd64
  2. Compile a fat-jar using Bazel:

    bazelisk-linux-amd64 build //server:floodyapp

Deploy on App Engine (Standard)

  1. Update FLOODY_CLIENT_ID in appengine/app.yaml with the OAuth Client ID generated in the previous step.

  2. Create AppEngine app

    gcloud app create --region="${REGION_ID}"
  3. Deploy an AppEngine version

    gcloud beta app deploy \
    --service-account="${FLOODY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL}" \
    --appyaml="appengine/app.yaml" bazel-bin/server/floodyapp.jar 
  4. The AppEngine URL is of format [project-id] or [project-id] Retrieve the AppEngine URL:

    gcloud app describe | grep defaultHostname

Deploy Cloud Run service

  1. Use Cloud Build to compile the application code and create the container image for Cloud Run:

    gcloud builds submit \
    --tag "${PROJECT_ID}/floodyapp" \

    The Docker script uses Bazelisk to automatically use the Bazel version specified in .bazelversion for build

If you are using local build then use the following command to create the Cloud Run container image from the fat-jar:

tar --transform="s|LocalBuildCloudRunServiceDockerfile|Dockerfile|" -czf \
"${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/floodyapp.tgz" \
LocalBuildCloudRunServiceDockerfile \
-C bazel-bin/server/ floodyapp.jar && \
gcloud builds submit "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/floodyapp.tgz" \
--tag "${PROJECT_ID}/floodyapp"
  1. Deploy FloodyApp service on Cloud Run using the container image:

    gcloud beta run deploy floodyapp \${PROJECT_ID}/floodyapp:latest \
    --project="${PROJECT_ID}" \
    --region="${REGION_ID}" \
    --set-secrets=FLOODY_CLIENT_ID=floody-client-id:latest \
    --service-account="${FLOODY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL}" \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --memory=512Mi \

    A service URL will be shown after the command is run successfully. A sample output is shown below.

    Service URL:
  2. Retrieve he URL in an environment variable:

    export FLOODYAPP_URL="$(gcloud run services describe floodyapp --region=${REGION_ID} | grep URL | sed 's/URL:\s*//')"
  3. Update the Authorized JavaScript origins section of the OAuth Client ID credential with the Service-URL.

Configure Cron tasks

Use Cloud Scheduler to trigger cron task for Floody application. One of the tasks is to remove unused spreadsheets:

Create a scheduled job:

gcloud scheduler jobs create http delete-old-sheets \
--schedule="1 0 * * *" \
--time-zone="Etc/UTC" \
--http-method="GET" \
--uri="${FLOODYAPP_URL}/crontasks/removeOldFiles" \

Build and Run Floody Locally

It is advisable to use a separate Service Account and OAuth Client ID for the local development environment. Use http://localhost:8080 as Authorized Javascript origins for the OAuth credential.

Install Datastore Emulator

Execute the following command to install the emulator

gcloud components install cloud-datastore-emulator

Download Service Account Keys

Execute the gcloud iam service-accounts keys create command to create service account keys.

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create [developer-service-account-key-file] \

Update and Export Local Variables

Please update the following variables in found in the root folder according to your own project settings.


Export these variables by executing the following command.


Starting the Datastore Emulator

Emulator can be started using the command below.

gcloud beta emulators datastore start --no-store-on-disk

The flag --no-store-on-disk stores everything in memory so that there is no need to clean up test data after each run.

Compile and run local server

Execute the following command to start the local server.

bazel run //server:floody_complete

Floody can now be accessed via http://localhost:8080/.


This is not an official Google product. Licensed under Apache 2.0


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  • Java 73.5%
  • JavaScript 12.5%
  • Closure Templates 5.0%
  • Starlark 4.6%
  • CSS 2.3%
  • HTML 1.7%
  • Other 0.4%