A K8S secrets manager operator.
A secure operator that gets installed in your kubernetes cluster and allows you to create secrets on demand. You can commit the SimpleSecrets which are nothing more than a reference to a database secret that will be created automatically for you. Targeted for HomeLab environments and not Enterprise.
Did you ever wonder, why am I paying AWS, Google, Microsoft, or why am I bothering with Hashicorp Vault when it's so unnecessarily heavy? Well look no further!
- You want to commit your code to git, but not your secrets
- You are using HELM to provision your environment. Adding a secret to a helm chart means that chart cannot be committed to source control. Removing the secret's values also doesn't really work since you gotta keep a local copy instead and add it and remove it every time.
- You don't want to pay money to cloud providers
- You want all your data safely stored on your local environment inside the very same cluster that needs the secrets
- It's simple to backup and restore
- UI - For now I have provided a postman collection that you can use to access the operator -> https://github.com/Michaelpalacce/SimpleSecretsFrontend
- Docker images with other database dependencies
- 100% Test coverage ( I mean not exactly 100% but... I'll take it! )
- Fingerprint in database for extra security
- Api Documentation
- Authentication -> Should be handled by a third party solution like authelia/authentik
- Preserve annotations from SimpleSecret when creating the secret
- Better Backup & Restore procedure
- Kubernetes native way of storing backups -> using CRDs
- Dynamic secrets
- External secrets
- Watch secret annotation to restart deployments when a secret is changed
- Better Helm Chart
db | Supported | Comments |
sqlite3 | ✔️ | Tested and working without any issue |
PostgreSQL | ✔️ | Tested and working without any issue. Set the correct environment variables and it will work :) |
MySQL | ✔️ | Tested and working without any issue. Set the correct environment variables and it will work :) |
MariaDB | ✔️ | Tested and working without any issue. Set the correct environment variables and it will work :) |
- SimpleSecrets gets installed as a K8S operator in simplesecrets namespace.
- During first start a new database file is created ( for sqlite3 )
- During first start a new secret is created in the simplesecrets namespace containing the encryption key ( used to encrypt the secrets )
- As a secondary measure a Fingerprint is generated and stored in the database, so if the secrets are ever exported and the encryption key is stolen, the fingerprint will be still preventing a decryption
- Using the API, you create a new secret that will get stored in the database
- Create a new SimpleSecret object, stating the version of the secret you want to use ( optional ) and a new secret will be created in the same namespace with the same name
- If you change a SimpleSecret Object, like patch a version, the change will be reflected in the Secret.
- If you delete the SimpleSecret Resource, the Secret will also get deleted.
Variable | Description | Default |
APP_PORT | The Port on which the app will run | 3000 |
ENCRYPTION_KEY | Will be used in case there is no secret encryptionkey in simplesecrets namespace. If not provided, will be generated |
undefined |
DB_PATH | The path to the sqlite3 database | ${PROJECT_ROOT}/db.sqlite |
PROD_DB_USERNAME | Check the available options from sequelize | undefined |
PROD_DB_PASSWORD | Check the available options from sequelize | undefined |
PROD_DB_NAME | Check the available options from sequelize | undefined |
PROD_DB_HOSTNAME | Check the available options from sequelize | undefined |
PROD_DB_PORT | Check the available options from sequelize | undefined |
PROD_DB_DIALECT | Check the available options from sequelize | undefined |
- Installation
- [Working With SimpleSecrets](./docs/Working With SimpleSecrets.md)
- You can do a GET request to {{FQDN}}/api/simplesecrets/backup to get all the data needed for a backup
- You can do a POST request to {{FQDN}}/api/simplesecrets/restore with the data retrieved from /backup to do a full restore ( will overwrite your ENCRYPTION KEY and FINGERPRINT too )
- Have kubernetes context configured to connect to a kubernetes cluster
- Run:
npm i
- Go to
- Run
helm install simplesecrets simplesecrets -n simplesecrets --create-namespace
- in the main directory run
pm2-runtime dev.ecosytem.config.js
- Run:
npm run test
- Run:
npm run coverage
for test coverage