Autohotkey quick launcher
- Clone this repo (or fork it first)
- Install AutoHotkey
- Add a new Windows task
- Open Task Scheduler
- Create a basic task
- Start on log in
- Start a program
- Choose AutoHotkey.exe from your install location
- Set arguments = launchpad.ahk
- Set start in = folder you cloned this in
- Set task properties
- General/Run with highest privileges = ON
- General/Configure for = your OS
- Conditions/Start the task only if computer is on AC power = OFF
#Config Files#
Config files are applied using the following priority (in order of specificity):
##{MachineName}.ini## Machine specific settings. Ignored by git. Use it to set machine specific config values.
##User.ini## Cross-machine personal settings. Ignored by git, should contain your personal settings which apply to all machines.
##Shared.ini## Shared by all users, tracked changes. Only add settings which would apply to all users. Avoid clutter, and avoid using machine-specific values.