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High-level modeling of network requests, which manages input parameters and output parameters, following the "In-Out" naming convention.


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High-level modeling of network requests, which manages input parameters and output parameters, following the "In-Out" naming convention.APIModel doesn't handle network requests directly; instead, it excels at network layer abstraction.

Getting started


Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_api_model: latest_version


Import the package into your Dart code:

import 'package:flutter_api_model/flutter_api_model.dart';

Supports both await and callback formats for flexibility.

Using await

final model = await UserSearchAPIModel(inUserId: '2024').start();
if (model.hasError) {
  error = model.outError;
} else {
  user = model.outUser;

Using callback

UserSearchAPIModel(inUserId: '2024').onComplete((model) {
  if (!model.hasError) {
    user = model.outUser;
  } else {
    error = model.outError;

Class definition

Naming rules:

  • The prefix of the input parameter: in
    • (inUsername, inPassword)
  • The prefix of the return value: out
    • (outLoginUser)

There are three ways to define APIModel:

1. Using mixin:

Ideal for scenarios without special initialization requirements.

class SomeAPIModel with APIModel<SomeAPIModel>

2. Using inheritance:

Suitable for defining a base network request class that extends APIModel.

class BaseRequestModel extends APIModel<SomeAPIModel>

3. Using a combination of mixin and inheritance (recommended):

Best for custom network requests, data processing, and separation of concerns. For example, BaseRequest can handle Dio operations and data transformation, while APIModel provides request flow and encapsulation.

class SomeAPIModel extends BaseRequest with APIModel<SomeAPIModel>

Example: Defining UserSearchAPIModel:

class UserSearchAPIModel extends BaseRequest<Map> 
      with  APIModel<UserSearchAPIModel>, 
            OutError<UserSearchAPIModel, FlutterError>,
            CancelEnable {
  UserSearchAPIModel({required this.inUserId});
  /// Input parameter
  String inUserId;
  /// Output result
  User? outUser;

  load() async {
    try {
      final response = await dio.request('/user/profile', cancelToken: cancelToken);
      outUser = User.converFrom(jsonObject);
    } on FlutterError catch (e) {
        outError = e;
    } catch (e) {
      if (CancelToken.isCancel(e) == false) { 
        // Handler error
        throw e;
    } finally {


/// Defines a base type if initialization work is needed
/// Defining `BaseRequest` Class
class BaseRequest<DataType> {
  final dio = Dio();

  final cancelToken = CancelToken(); 

  DataType? data;

  int? code;

  String? msg;

  BaseRequest() {
    dio.options.baseUrl = '';
    dio.options.headers = {'token': 'some_token'};

  void fillData(Dio.Response response) {
    data = getData(response);
    code = response.statusCode;
    msg  = getMsg(response);

/// Defines a mixin to override the `hasPermission` method, blocking calls when the user is not logged in.
/// Defining `LoginNeed` Mixin.
mixin LoginNeed<T> on APIModel<T> {

  bool hasPermission() {
    return isLogin();

  didBlock() {
    print('API request was blocked.');

/// Implementing Cancelable Requests with `CancelEnable` Mixin
mixin CancelEnable<T> on APIModel<T>, BaseRequest {

  bool isCancellable() {
    return true;

  void cancel() {

Using Versions Prior to Dart 3.0


High-level modeling of network requests, which manages input parameters and output parameters, following the "In-Out" naming convention.








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