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A collection of small scripts to provide various functions
which might be useful to BunsenLinux users.

bl-exit:    Logout dialog box with various options.
bl-lock:    Script to lock the display.
bl-aerosnap:    Script to add aero style window snapping to Openbox.
bl-hotcorners:  Script to add hot corners to Openbox.

The above were originally imported from cb-exit, cb-lock and cb-wmhacks,
made for CrunchBang Linux and subsequently modified for BunsenLabs.

bl-conky-session:   Script to handle multiple conky sessions.
bl-conkyedit:   Script to find and edit conky config files.
bl-conkyzen:    Yad-based conky manager.
bl-conkypin:    Script to assist the movement of conky windows.

bl-tint-session:    Script to handle multiple tint2 sessions.
bl-tint2edit:   Script to find and edit tint2 config files.
bl-tint2-restart:   Script to restart all running tint2 processes.
bl-tint2zen:    Yad-based tint2 manager.

bl-kb:  Script to read openbox keyboard shortcuts and write them to a text file.
bl-obthemes:    Script to save or restore openbox gui configurations.
bl-package-versions:    Utility to display the versions of BunsenLabs packages in the apt repository and on GitHub.
bl-github-upgrade:  Script to upgrade the BunsenLabs packages from GitHub.