Project: Fakebook (Microverse - The Odin Project)
SocialBook page made with Ruby on Rails framework. Deployed on Heroku.
Project taken from Microverse Curriculum and [The Odin Page](httpThe objective of this project is build a social networking using Facebook's core logic.s:// A social network built using Ruby on Rails and Ruby
[Devise Documentation]( objective of this project is build a social networking using Facebook's core
- The objective of this project is build a social network using Facebook's core logic
Javascript with Webpack project from The Odin Project curriculum
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- Heroku
The objective of this project is build a social networking using Facebook's core logic.
- Login with Social Media Authentication
- Friendly UI.
- Filter Stories.
Principal Functions:
- Create account using email address.
- Login with your Facebook account.
- Send friend Requests.
- View posts from friends of friends.
Ruby 2.6.3
Rails 5.2.0
- Postgre
- Bootstrap
- Devise
- Omniauth-facebook
- Figaro
- Factory-Bot
- Capybara
To use this project you will need to download this repository to your computer, Then you will need to install webpack and npm to correctly run this project.
Clone or download the repository to your local machine. Then open your terminal on the repository folder and run:
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
The project runs on PostgreSQL.
To run this application you must have a default PSQL role WITH LOGIN CREATED and then run or create a PSQL role run the following commands in the Postgres console
For Creating a User:
For Altering Existing User
postgres=# ALTER ROLE "role_name" WITH LOGIN CREATEDB;
rails server
enter to your: http://localhost:3000/
To run rspec on the terminal:
👤 Cristian Ines Hernandez A. - MephistoDevelop
- Github: @MephistoDevelop
- Twitter: @MephistoDevelop
- Linkedin: Cristian Hernandez
👤 Sergio Diaz
Github | Twitter | Linkedin | Portfolio
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give and ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.