This project will contains some code exaplains for both implementing infrastructure for big data based projects and well the application part, the source code aims to show how to implement different big data layers based on different big data technologies (hadoop, mongodb...).
It is structured as follow :
Engineering :
contains applications and notebooksNotebooks :
explorations and PoCApplications :
PoC, MVPs and production ready
Platform :
contains scripts, docker images and applicaiton for platform managementInfrastructure :
Scripts for platform installation, patch setup, and tools deployment.Inventories :
platform hosts and credentials, and ansible inventoriesManagmeent :
Platform management scripts (services control, platform initialization...)Services :
Platform applications for data ingestion, integration, and egress. or specific application configuration and tunning The source code uses :
docker :
to create and run on the fly a iso-prod environments, servers and applicationsansible
andBash scripts :
to automate applications deployment and platform configuration, but also to interact and execute others scripts (hive, sqoop, pig, spark-submit)sqoop :
to ingest and egress data from and to Relational data basesspark :
as a distributed computation frameworkhadoop :
as a complete data-lake and analytics eco-systemjava
andscala :
as the main projects languagesHive
,Impala :
Pig :
Kafka :
Todo :
- Code Cleaning and Refactoring according to JIRA 19282 case
- Project Structure change according to JIRA 19287 case
- move command_prompt from .sh bash files to ansible
- automate patchs and features deployment