Experimental Secret Network CosmWasm (SecretWasm) based contracts, packages and protocols
*** Coming Soon ***
This is playground repository for MegaRock to test out new ideas that are standartisable. All the projects will be of an experimental nature with low-maintanace and support. The projects here shouldn't be used for production before being peer-review and explicitly green-lighted by the team. (in case where the usage is licensed )
As part of our mission of promoting public goods and open source culture we are planning to be contributing the standards that gain adoption into a standard-containing repository maintained by the official team working on SecretNetwork. Altenatively the team might choose to maintain a standard ourselves and release it under permissive open sourse license.
Until then everything in this repository is treated as source available only unless a project comes with a separate License file. The exact license for the whole repository is to be specified